Inside The Outsider

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As I was about to leave the house, Mama came over to me and engulfed me into her arms," Be brave and be safe, ya hear me?" "Yes mama." I walked down the steps and went over to Clarice's house. As usual Lisa, Cheryl and her were standing there waiting for me," Y'all ready?" I asked nervously. They all shook their head," Me neither." We started walking to the bus stop and two buses were filled with every teenager in the neighborhood. We got in one of them and we all sat close to each other," I was up all night stressin about this." Clarice announced. "Me too." "But you like them--" "No, i like Dally and his friends. Everyone else scares me."
Everyone on the bus was silent the whole ride, not a cough, nor a sneeze was heard.

Unfortunately, the bus came to a stop; i glanced out the window. A lot of the students stopped what they were doing and turned their attentions to the buses. The bus driver pulled the lever to open the bus doors," Alright everyone out single file." Hesitantly, one by one, we began to exit the bus. Some students were grabbing each other's hand for security. As Clarice and I exited the bus, we immediately linked arms. All the white students were glaring and whispering about each and every one of us," Why'd they have to come?" "Are they even smart enough to be here?" Out of no where, balled up paper was being tossed at us," Go back where y'all came from!" "Y'all don't belong here!" I gripped Clarice tighter and we hurried up the stairs and into the school building.

Clarice and I have always gotten into troubling situations with white people, but being here was different. Outside if we encountered them we could easily just run away; but we have to stay here with them for 8 hours, 5 days a week. Whatever they do to us, we're gonna just have to take it. As we entered the building, everyone's eyes were on us; even the poor greasy white students were glaring at us. I took out my schedule that was sent to me through the mail yesterday. Unfortunately, Clarice and I didn't have any classes together. She unhooked her arm from mine and squeezed me into a hug," I'll see ya at lunch." I nodded my head and went into the classroom.

Some white students were already there sitting at their desks glaring at the sight of me. I scanned the room and noticed some colored students in the back of the classroom. I wanted to sit with them but I usually sit towards the front of the classroom. I steadily walked to an empty desk up front. Suddenly an arm blocked my way," This seat's taken." I glanced at the blonde headed boy that stopped me and tried for the desk behind him," This one's taken too...Actually, all these seats are taken. Go sit with the other negroes where you're welcomed."

The boy turned back around in his desk thinkin that he accomplished something. I automatically sat down in the desk behind him and took out my school stuff," Didn't you hear me! Go to the back!" I glanced at the fuming boy and back to my notebook. Abruptly, my notebook was tossed towards the back of the classroom," Go fetch!" I continued to quietly stare at the boy who was desperately trying to intimidate me," Are you retarded or somethin'?"

  Suddenly one of the other white students leaned over towards the aggravated boy," Danny let it go." The boy glared at me one last time and finally turned back around in his seat. I was about to get up to go get my notebook, but someone already beat me to it. One of my colored peers had gotten up from his desk and retrieved my notebook from the ground and came over to me," Here ya go." He handed me my notebook and I gratefully took it," Thank you." He nodded his head and went back to his seat.

Momentarily, more students came floodin into the classroom. I stayed glued to my notebook not wantin to witness the expressions on the student's faces. As the teacher entered the room, the intercom came on," Students will you please stand for the pledge of allegiance," All of us stood up from our desks and placed our right hands on our hearts," I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. To the republic for which it stands. One nation, under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all." Everyone sat back down in their seats. "Good Morning students. As you can see, we have new students joining our Will Roger family. I know it is almost the end of this school year, but let's give these students a nice welcoming to this fine school." As i looked up from my notebook, a set of devious green eyes were staring straight at me," Welcome." Danny deviously smirked as he turned back around in his desk.

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