Chapter 18

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"Jeffery." He stopped and turned his head slightly. "Sally knows what she's doing. She needs to grow up too."

And with that, the two brothers had disappeared leaving an angry Jeff, a concerned BEN and a who-knows-what-he's-feeling-under-that-mask Jack. They couldn't possibly go against orders from their boss. They can do absolutely nothing, but hope for the best whether Sally wishes to let go of the past or stay within its darkness forever.

Little did they know, a decapitated bear laid by the floor within the mess..


"..Sally, it's time for breakfast!"

Little Sally opened her sleepy eyes at the voice that only belonged to her dear sister. She had then realized she was laying on her bed in a room that she and Rose shared. Slowly, she sat upright and looked around with a dazed expression. She was right. Sally was back at her old house where she, Rose and their parents lived happily.

Where everything was still okay.

Before everything had turned so wrong.

"Sally?" The door to the room opened slightly as a head peeked into it as Sally met with eyes that she shared with. "Come on. The food will get cold. You don't want dad to gobble everything up, right?"

Sally gasped in surprise at the sight of her sister. It was just like this. It was exactly like this.

Just before.. Before she...

"Little sister? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare again?" Rose spoke out softly, pushing the door widely before walking over to the other. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Rose sat by the foot of Sally's bed and looked at her with eyes filled with concern. Sally had realized that they were wearing the same dresses before it happened. It was strange. It felt too real. It's as if everything that just happened was just a horrible, horrible dream. Has she really just dreamt of her parents' death? Or was this just a dream?

Sally could no longer tell what was true or false. Everything was jumbled all over. Her mind was scattered in pieces and it felt like it was getting hard to even think. The air suddenly felt toxic. Every oxygen she breathed in suffocated her. What was really going on?

"You're not real." Sally mumbled as she buried her head in her hands. "You're not real. This is just a dream. You're not.." She continued to repeat her words over and over again while Rose stared at her in bewilderment.

Rose reached her hand towards Sally's face, cupping her cheek ever so gently as if she was afraid that her fragile little sister would crumble within her touch. She wiped her tears away that had begun to flow out of her big, curious eyes that never failed to amuse her. Sally's eyes were always filled with countless emotions that Rose found her so easy to read. Even the amount of tears she can shed always failed to balance what her heart truly felt.

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