Chapter 4 - Defending her

Start from the beginning

She again shrugged. "You know my reasons."

She nodded in understanding. "I know, but I still think you should get more friends. People need friends to support them. Life's boring without friends."

"There's been nothing boring about my life and you know it. I'd love to sit here and chit chat, but I think there are some customers that want to eat."

Laura frowned as she moved past her, but quietly followed behind her.

Grabbing the note pad and pen from a pocket on the apron, she made her way to a table of new customers.

"Good evening, I'm Ashley. Our specials tonight are the Taco salad and Fried Shrimp. What would you like to drink while you're looking over the menu?"

The group of boys all stared at her for a second before the closest one winked. "I wouldn't mind having a taste of you. I'll even pay you double than what you'll get all night standing there."

She forced her smile to stay in place. "I'm sorry, but I'm currently off the menu. If you'd like to order a drink, or just skip to the food, I'll be glad to help you out."

A chorus of 'you just got burned' went around the table, but it didn't seem to faze the boy.

"I can make tonight well worth your time."

"Ashley, I need your help back here."

She had never been so thankful to have to work in the kitchen than she was right then.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go. If you'll look over the menu, someone will be over shortly to take your order."

Giving them one last smile, she walked back to the kitchen. "You called Laura?"

She turned around and Ashley was confused at her huge smile. Normally she looked somewhat distressed when she asked for help in the kitchen, though it usually had absolutely nothing to do with the kitchen.

"Gordy and I were talking and we noticed you were serving those boys."

She groaned. "Don't you dare Laura. You've made bets on almost every person that ever tried serving them and you know you always lose."

Her smile widened. "But we never bet on you, until tonight. Now, I'll take care of all the rest of the customers tonight. I want you to simply focus on those boys."

She was already shaking her head. There was no way she was willingly going to do this.

"If you can get a tip out of them you can have the rest of the night off."

"Laura, I don't want the rest of the night off. I need the hours-"

"I'll still pay you for the hours."

As tempting as that sounded, she couldn't do it. It wasn't right. "Sorry Laura, but if I'm not working I can't accept the pay." She started pouting. "I'll serve these guys, but I'll also work with other people." As she thought about it, she realized maybe having the night off would be a good idea. At least then she could go to the party for Julian. She owed him for helping her when she needed it most. "So, if I get a tip from them I get the night off? Are you sure? I don't want to leave you to do all of it on your own."

Laura smiled Asia she knew a secret. "Don't worry about it. Crystal called and asked if she could come in tonight. If you leave, she'll be here. Now hurry and do your best with those boys before they get impatient. Make them your top priority."

Ashley pasted on a smile before going back to the table that didn't seem to have touched the menus, but were joking around. "All right," They all looked up at her and the blonde one, the one that had hit on her earlier, smirked at her. "Have you decided what you'd like to order?"

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