chapter 1 the day we met 5,6th grade 2009 thru 2010 Fallen Timbers middle school

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Me and my friends met in 5th grade at fallen timbers middle school, I met Malley first and then I met Alexandra but we call her Alex for short, we all knew that we're going to be best friends from the start. The day we met was August 24th 2008 so beginning of the year 2009, thats when we began school. We all went to Anthony Wayne middle school to high school but the day we met, turned our lives around. We started to hangout with each other every day in school and out, the three of us were in the same class and had the same teacher but we also had a special needs class as well during the day and met new friends during 5th grade. We were all doing fine without any problems for those few months. When the year ended we saw each other during the summer because me and Alex lived near each other so we would meet half way. By the time we were in 6 grade our teachers had split us up with Malley, as she went into a different class, me and Alex were remaining in the same class together. She and I stayed together as our bond is strong, tried going back and forth between our friendship with Malley but we did have the same art class together but that was the only class we saw each other in. We went to camp together but Malley went at a different day but same camp area. Alex and I went to camp heartland together and Malley went to heartland without us due to her having different classes. As 6th grade was coming to an end, our class took a field trip to Anthony Wayne jr. High to get a glimpse before we left. We knew then that our lives were about to change as it got closer and closer to 2016.

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