Chapter One

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PHOTO:Emily Muller (Main Character)

"So what do you think of the place? "

Brendon had been looking around as I unpacked the last of our things, so he at least seemed interested in the new place and quickly picked his room when we first arrived.

"I don't know, it's a lot smaller", Brendon replied while looking down at his feet and shrugging his shoulders.

"I know sweety, we talked about this. We had two incomes and..."

"I know mommy, I did see a playground on our way in", Brendon smiled as he spoke about it and asked if we could go to it.

"Maybe after school tomorrow. I have been unpacking all day and have an early morning. " Brendon sadly walked away and towards his bedroom. He is only five and has already been in two homes before now and the divorce hasn't been easy on him. Thankfully, Robert wasn't his father so that makes it a little easier but he was the only father he ever knowned. Thinking about his father never being in his life made me angry and sad for him at the same time. Why do men have to be such selfish assholes?

I have to make this up to him some how. I will have to plan a good weekend for us that will take his mind off all the bad stuff. He loves the water park and it is the end if the summer, and with the divorce I hadn't been able to take him, before school started. yeah, I think he would love that.

"Come on, let's get you to bed. "

"Will you read me a book please? "

"Yes, pick one out and bring it over to the bed. "

I didn't get half way through the book, and he was fast asleep. He looks so sweet when he sleeps. I wish I could keep this cruel world from him. I laughed to myself as I thought about putting him in a bubble and letting him live in his room. I just love that little boy and don't want to see him hurt. I mean, it's how a mother is supposed to feel. No one wants to see their child hurt and he has already been through so much.


The next day started out good. Brendon seemed happier and was actually excited about going back to school. It is probably the familiarity, he has been through so much change. I am glad I found a place near his school and didn't have to put him through that change also.

So the day started out good for us and he was now at school. But it didn't stay good for me for very long.

On my way to work, I am feeling content and finally have a smile on my face after a long time of faking it. My son being happy, makes all the difference. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise and I am struggling to keep my car on the road. Fortunately, I gain control and safety pull over to the side of the road. Great! A flat tire! Now I am going to be late for work.

I quickly call for assistance and then notify my job that I will be running late. I am already behind in my work and this is going to put me even more behind. My job is also my place of happiness. My job is loyal to me and I get to help others. I am only an office assistant but the place that I work for helps needy families and I love being able to work for a place like that.

After waiting for almost an hour, a tow truck pulls up behind me. I am furious when I get out of my car but all my anger melts away when I see him get out of the truck. He wasn't tall, dark and handsome. He allctually was average height and had fair skin. But he wasn't bad looking either. Even through the greese on his face, his smile stood out to me. And I didn't mind him being sweaty either since this caused his shirt to stick to him and showed his muscular body.

"Mam? "

Oh no, did I space out looking at him? Did he notice I was checking him out?

"Sorry, the heat is getting to me. I was sitting out here waiting a long time. "

"My apologies. We have been very busy. "

He changed my tired and handed me a card for a free oil change, then apologized for my wait again before he left.

At work I could not get him off my mind. Which irritated me. I have been through too much heart break, I don't need another one. I swore off all men, after my divorce. I refuse to trust anymore, men have only disappointed me and I refuse to hurt over a man anymore.

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