50 Tips For Life

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Hey guys! :D These are 50 Tips on how to live life. Enjoy and comment some feedback and possibly vote. :) i am going to post 5 - 10 tips each update. If you guys are having a problem in life that i have not yet covered, just comment and i will give credit and asnwer it. So... yeah lets start.


1) Ever feel like your just not good enough? That you have all these bad qualities and you blame God for creating you? Well try this, go in front of a mirror, look at yourslef and say, "wow, thank you God for giving me such pretty eyes, ears, hair, etc." just focus on your good qualities, not your bad.

2) Ever feel like you have no friends? Like everybody ignores you? Or they just use you and are not your true friends? well just break away from them. Tell them that you dont want to be their friend anymore if they are going to be mean. Or, make them prove to you that they are a true friend before leaving them. You do not need to be friends with someone who is only using you.

3) Ever feel like you have no life? That everybody makes fun of you because you dont do anything? Just asnwer them back and explain how you like to do the thing you are doing. You want to live your life this way. If the thing you are doing has no point, then, maybe try something new, or even still stick with that thing if it is your passion.

4) Ever feel that you are having trouble keeping up with your grades? That you are pressured to keep your grades up because you are going into HIgh School or College? Well the solution is easy. Just try to pay attention in class. Stay away from all the drama and the talking and passing notes. Doesn't it feel good when you get 100 on a test that you didn't cheat on? Just try your hardest and dont give up and you will succeed.

5) Ever feel that you have to be the best? You have to follow the latest trends and always impress people? Just think to yourself that every person is unique. Everybody is differnet. You dont have to be like everybody else.

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