Chapter Three - Familiar, and not

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Chapter Three - Familiar, and not

The first thing Hermione saw were the familiar lights hanging from her ceiling. The purple walls, numerous shelves filled with books that she all read at least five times, bathroom stall, and her Hogwarts supplies; all truly known as her bedroom. She couldn’t help but smile, happy to see familiar things, but then it sunk in.

Bedroom? Hermione thought. What was she doing in her bedroom when she was supposed to be at Hogwarts, talking with Professor Snape? And then just like that, the smile disappeared. The letter. Truth or dare. Voldemort was serious when he meant in a few days, and the game he had planned had already began. Hermione bit her bottom lip and began the millions of tears trembling down her cheeks.

What happened now? Was she going to receive another letter from Voldemort? And where were all the wizards and witches? Did the spell work on all of them already, and wipe away their memories? Hermione sobbed with questions and no answers. She had always appeared to be smart and strong, but maybe she wasn’t. She never had to go through any of this alone. Hermione stared at her robes that she was still wearing, and hugged herself in them. The familiar scent of Hogwarts still stung to her body.

“Hermione, breakfast is ready!” Immediately recognizing her mother’s voice, Hermione’s blurry and teary eyes turned to the clock, reading eight thirty. Light was shining through the windows, and recognized that back at Hogwarts, by the time the light was shining, she would already be down at the Great Hall, eating breakfast with her best friends. What would happen now?

Walking to her bathroom, she turned on the sink and washed her face. It would be simple to cast a spell and make it look like she hadn’t been crying, but she didn’t want to touch her wand; it would bring back something she wouldn’t be able to have. Could she still hold a wand properly after this? She looked at herself through the mirror. She had to. She dabbed at her eyes until the dry tears and red eyes were gone, and quickly changed out of her robes into jeans and a sweater.

Hermione walked downstairs to greet her parent’s good morning (which surprised her, because her parents were supposed to be in Germany) and started on her breakfast. It was hard to stop some tears, but she squeezed them in. She had to be strong.

“Better eat quick,” Hermione’s father, Dr. Kyle Granger, said, behind his newspaper. “The bus will be here soon.”

“Bus?” Hermione asked. “What bus?”

School bus, Hermione,” Dr. Janice Granger said from the kitchen. “Are you OK?”

Hermione swallowed down a piece of bread. She had to go to school? What school did she go to? “Yeah I’m fine. Had a… bad dream.”

“Well, better wait outside now.”

Hermione looked around the living area and finally spotted her bag, and without checking whatever was in it, she bid her parents goodbye and stumbled out of the house. She had no idea where to go and what to do, but decided that fate would decide. Whatever Voldemort had in mind, she would have to go through it, unless she could think of something better. Only yesterday she thought that maybe, just maybe, this was some kind of prank. She was worried, yes, but didn’t know it would happen so soon. All of the witches and wizards were scattered around the world, and there Hermione was, aware of everything. The only one.

Wanting to cry but knowing she couldn’t, Hermione waited by her front door.

The bus came, and Hermione walked up the steps, remembering what she had done in elementary school, before attending Hogwarts. As she was sixteen, she would be in Year Twelve. How could she possibly be in school, not learning about the wizarding world? Would she be learning math?

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