Part 10

48 3 3

Baz's POV

I am collaborating with Simon Snow. This is a first.

I point at the chalk board. I had spelled it up here, because I like organizing my thoughts. Snow's lying in his stomach on the bed, his head propped up on his hands. "So." He says, waving his wand around. I flinch. Waving your wand is never a good idea. It could hit someone, or you could say a random phrase and accidentally cast a spell... Any number of disasters. "What are our ideas?" He asks, pointing at the board with his wand.

I shrug. "I need your help with that."

Snow frowns at the chalkboard. "We could quit the play."

I stare at him, mildly horrified. "My mom would kill me, yours probably would too, and Bunce would hate both of us forever."

Snow waves his wand at the celling. "That might be exaggerating a bit."

"Well, yes." I say dryly. "I am, on average, exaggerating when I say someone would kill me."

Snow's not paying attention, he's casting a spell to make my bed-sheets fall of my bed. I frown at him.

"Spell them back on, please."

"Clean as a whistle." He says, waving his wand at the bed. The blankets fall back onto the bed in a clump.


"So." I say, pointing at the board. "We have a problem." I point to where I've written 'the kiss' on the board, "And we have out preferred outcome." Well, his preferred outcome. I point to where I've write 'no kiss' on the board. I then point to the large empty space between them. "This is how we plan to do that."

"There's nothing in that space." Snow points out.

"There's a reason for that."

"What is it?"

I swear, he's being extra idiotic. "Because we have yet to think of that."

"Oh." Snow screws up his face. "Could we just ask Penny?"

I imagine what that conversation would be like. I shrug. "You can, sure."

Snow stands up. "Good bye, then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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