Chapter 3:

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** Dedicated to sci_fi_heart for the awesome cover!

But sorry guys I might not do a really good job on writing but its still my dream to become an amazing author but I need y'all guys support because I can't do this on my own. I really can't guys I need you. Can you please help me make it by voting, commenting, and sharing my stories. Thank you guys so much.

"What the hell do you mean you didn't noticed. Come on even though this is basically ya guys first day, y'all was standing there looking at each other for ours okay," Vannah said. "Don't tell me you don't think he's sexy as fuck."

"Look I do okay I'm not going to lie but this guy there is something weird about him," I replied looking down at my notebook.

"Okay students get ready for lunch," Mrs. Lane said standing by her desks waiting for us to leave.

"Not you Ms. Samson I need to talk to you for a bit."

Vannah and Milia looked at me and wait for my response. "I will catch up with you guys okay." They both nodded their heads and left the classroom.

"Well I know this is your first day and everything but I got to say you must taste really good," she said looking at me with a different color eyes.

What the fuck is happening here. She's not even human.

"Well Ms. Samson let me tell you what's going to happened okay, first I will eat you than I will make a story up saying you left school and fell in a well. How does that sound good that's good let's begin shall we."

She begin to transform to a weird creature you might see in the movie Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief that had wings and everything. I just stood there shocked. That ceature was coming closer closer with its mouth wide opened ready to devour me.

I opened my mouth to yell but nothing came out.

She was so close all she can do now is swallow me whole. I closed my eyes waiting to get it over with.

But nothing happened. I opened my eyes but which I shouldn't have, she was standing right in front of me with her eyes wide opened.

But she was also covered in her own blood she looked at me and smiled. Her whole body turned in flames.

"There are more coming after you Ms. Samson."

She laughed and vanished.

I passed out.

But I felt someone catch me before I hit the ground. My eyes opened just a little bit so I can see who was holding me.

It was the sexy new kid that caught me. Wow but how did he know I would be here? Did he saw Mrs. Lane a creature?

Maybe I was losing my mind today maybe it was a dream or a nightmare I don't know. My head hurt so bad.

"Liza are you okay did it hurt you?" He asked looking at me up and down seeing if I had any scars.

I laughed. He looks like those hot anime guys with white hair and red eyes.

Red eyes? I thought he's eyes were blue now it's red.

I'll be like Bella from Twilight asking this question.

"Are you wearing contacts?"
I asked removing myself away from his arms.


I looked at him closely, his eyes were blue. What the hell? Is going on here? His eyes I swear was red I'm not going crazy or anything. I got up grabbed my things and left the room.

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