14: Wolf Bite

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I peeled my eyes open one at a time, groaning at the bright sunlight streaming through the large window. Quickly squinting my eyes shut, I turned on my back. I was suprised no one had woken me up yet since work started as early as seven in the morning and it would be my first day back since the ball. My bed seemed larger than normal, enough for me to extend my limbs and still be accompanied by silk sheets.

Trying again, I slowly opened both of my eyes, only to be greeted with an unfamiliar sight.My usual white ceiling was painted with a deep red. I quickly sat up in panic, not feeling comfortable with my surroundings. A quiet shriek passed my lips when I didn't recognize a single thing in the room. I sat in a large king sized bed covered in black silk covers covering me. Deep red colored walls surrounded the large room and a large dresser and closet occupied one of the walls. A door leading to the large bathroom hung open while the door that lead to the hallway remained securely shut.

The memories of yesturday surged back through my brain all at once and I let out a small, pained cry, reaching my hand to cover my mouth.


My family.

My mate.

The needle.

I shuddered at the thought that someone who was suppose to love and comfort me, put me down like a dog. Irony at its best.

Shaking my head, I ripped the silk covers off me in a hurry. Looking down, a petite violet night gown hung to my mid-thigh. My face scrunched in disgust at the thought of someone changing me. The vulnerability of my exposed body, without my permission. The thought made my stomach boil with anger. He had no right to do that.

A rattling from outside the closed door brought me out of my thoughts. The door handle jiggled nervously and the small click told me the lock had been released. My body froze in fear as the realization took over my small frame. My mate could be trying to get in. I don't think I would be able to face him yet without spitting at him with hatred. I swallowed the lump in my throat as the door flung open.

A little breath of relief was released when I was greeted by a girl, no older than myself. She was around 5' 6" in height with short black hair that hung just below her chin. Her clothes were worn and dark circles were shown under her dull brown eyes. Her stick thin figure looked unhealthy, and her pale skin looked as if she hadn't been out in the sun in weeks. She held a tray full of food, including bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and a large glass of orange juice.

"Luna." She addressed me, bowing her head, making sure not to make eye contact. She took long steps toward the bed and placed the tray full of food on my lap. Her eyes lingered on the food, before quickly turning away.

"Your breakfast is served." She concluded, curtsying, before turning away to let me eat in private.

"I'm not hungry." I croaked, still not used to my morning voice. My appetite vanished once I realized I was in an unfamiliar enviroment.

The girl sucked in a breath, before slowly turning around, casting her eyesight to the floor.

"Please, Luna. You need to. Alpha said I need to make sure you have plenty of energy." The girl's voice shook, afraid of disobeying orders.

She swallowed nervously, and casted her eyesight at the wall behind me. I huffed in annoyance, and hurt dispersed in my chest as I realized this girl was terrified.

"You haven't eaten or drinken anything in over 24 hours. You're weak, Luna. You need as much energy as you can for when he marks you as his soon." The girl whispered, casting her eyesight towards the ground once again.

I shook my head vigourously and pursed my lips at the thought of him touching me. I clenched my fingers into a fist at the burn in the pit of my stomach.

"He won't touch me! I won't let that happen!" I snapped, trying to be as stern as I could with a trembling voice. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them in the fetal position. I slightly rocked back and forth, taking deep breaths to control my speeding heart rate.

The girl's face fell into a look of melancholy before slowly taking small steps back toward my bed. I was embarassed by my behavior in front of this stranger and turned away from her sorrowful gaze. I grunted and burried my face into my knees.

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