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Naiomi pov

So after Jaden told us he has a 4 year old daughter i was mad because you hid this for 4 years it's just slot to take in and the fucking babymama is chyna the same chyna that taunghted me throughout middle school


Hey are you naiomi

Yeah and you are

I'm chyna you wanna be friends

I'm sorry chyna I already have a friend but we can be buddy you can come to my house and play games

No thank you she said running away

-flash back over-

Then after that she started talking about me and we fought twice but she better be mothering my niece the right way or she can get these hands anyways me tiller and the kids are going to see Jaden we are meeting khole lee-Anna smith he named her after me lol bryson y'all let's go I yelled coming mommy Cairo said I'm already here I beat you bubba harley said no fair I was tieing my shoe he said both of you came down and beat me bryson said okay let's go and meet your cousin guys I said okay mommy they said bryson your driving I said strapping in the kids okay babe so where are we going he said to Olive Garden I said okay are you nervous he said no I'm still mad I said you know you can't be mad forever he said 4 years bryson I missed four years of my nieces life so yes I can be mad forever I said okay stubborn. Ass he mumbled what was that I said nothing he said getting out the car I got harley out he got out Cairo we went in and chyna came to harley hey Marla she said her name is harley and don't touch my child I said she got off Harley and went to a pretty little girl hey khloe I'm your TT nai I said hey TT nai she said your adorable this is your cousin harley and Cairo I said hey harley and Cairo I'm khole wanna be bwestfrwins she said yes bwestfrwin harley said Cairo ran off to bryson daddy I got a girlfriend he said no Cairo that's your cousin bryson said laughing oh well it's okay I already got girls giving me their snacks Cairo said bryson and Jaden started laughing no stop my son will not be a male prosrituite like y'all baby did those girls touch you I said well 5 of them kissed my cheek and said bye bae he said uh uh I'm going to your school I said no mama they my hoes he said stop cursing before I whoop you I said bae let him be he just a lil mini me bryson said definantly no I said let him grow Jaden said we will talk about this later I said naiomi can we talk chyna said um sure I said  we went outside talk I said well first off I wanna apologize for hating on you I was just so jealous of what you had with bryson and your brothers I just really hope we can be friends she said well first off I accept your apology and yes we can be friends I said she hugged me let's go back in I said so we went in everyone just had fun and talked for the rest of the night I had fun tonight I said it's like peace is finally coming our way I said yeah and I wanna take you out Friday to this album release party for dropping t | r | a | p | s| o | u | l   He said well chyna can watch the kids I said so yeah okay goodnight babe ily he said ily to I said and we went to sleep peaceful

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