Drama 43: Loke

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Lucy P.O.V

I haven't heard from Juvia or Levy since our talk.

I sighed heavily and walked down the busy street. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I crashed into someone.

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't...Loke?"

"Huh? Oh, Lucy..."

I stared at him with narrowed eyes. This bastard kissed my hubby---I mean! Ex-hubby...What am I saying?! He isn't my hubby! He's nothing to me now...

As I looked at Loke, I started to cry.

"Lucy! Are you okay?!"

I then kneeled down and cried louder. "I miss Natsu!"


We ended up at a cafe. Loke offered to pay for me, so I began to stress eat and order everything I could from the menu.

"Lucy..." he said in shock as he saw me stuff my face.

"What?" I asked while eating a pastry.


It was quiet for a while, and Loke finally spoke up. "So...what's the problem?"

"Well, I don't know. You kissed my boyfriend and made things weird. Then he cheated--no--he was blackmailed into having sex with Dr.Strauss, and lucky ol' me walked in on them and saw the whole thing go down. Then...we never saw each other again...and everything we had...was gone..." I began to cry again as I felt the pain in my heart deepen.

"What? You guys...aren't together?"


"So that's why he's been so depressed..."

I wiped my tears and looked at him. "How do--?"

"Look Lucy...Imma tell you something, and you can't ever tell anyone."

I nodded and looked at him worried.


"No, no, nope, I can't do this. I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm still in love with Natsu...woah...did I just say that?"

Loke sighed as he tried to speak again, "Lucy, I wasn't going to ask you out..."

"Phew...that's a relief."

"Lucy, I'm into dudes, so you're good."

"Oh that's great---wait what?!"

"I'm Gay."

"Huh?! Do-do the girls know? Wait! Does everyone know? Your parents?!"

"No...only you, Erza, and...Dragneel-sensei know."


"Yeah...I'm...also in Love with him."

I then placed my hands over my mouth and gasped loudly. "You're what?!"

"Don't worry, he turned me down...he's too in love to move on...plus he's not gay."

We then spent the rest of the day in the cafe. We told each others our problems, and I found out that day that the Loke the world knew, wasn't the real Loke.

"Wait...so your parents are homophobes? All this time you've been pretending just so you can keep living with your parents...I would have never known..."

"Yup, and the only reason why Erza even found out I swung the other way, was because she caught me kissing this one guy I was going out with a year ago."

High school Drama (Fairy Tail Fanfic AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now