Stoning in the breeze

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It was a foggy and damp morning in Northern Washington state. There was a slight crisp to the air and the trees had just began to change color.
It sucks here in the small town of Aberdeen. It's boring, and slow, nothing really ever happens here. That's pretty much the reason why me and my friends decided we wanted to be stoners. Not junkies, just stoners. There's quite alot of woods here in Aberdeen so it's quite easy to stay out of sight and light up. We got so bored with ourselves one day that we just were like, "screw it, let's get some drugs" and that was the start of something truly amazing. We found a drug dealer behind a convenience store and bought a pound of hemp. The second I took a hit from that joint I knew I had a hobby. The stuff was cheap and let's face it, I have nothing better to do. Me and my friends loved that stuff. Loved it. The only problem was, we got bored of pot pretty quickly. It wasn't as much of a buzz as it had been at first. We didn't just want to be relaxed. We wanted to get balls to the wall high, so we went to our dealer and basically said "got anything stronger?" The guy gave us a sly grin and said "I got something for you!" And he handed us a paper bag. I took a look inside and there were about 8 pills in there. They kinda looked like those little sponge pills you put in the water and they grow into a dinosaur or something. The guy had a warning for us though, he said,
"Say hello to Molly, she's one hell of a time but drink lots of water first, cause she'll drain you dry and dehydrate ya pretty fast." I was sold. We took it into the woods with about 10 water bottles. We chugged and chugged and chugged that water until we thought we'd drown if we drank anymore. We all took a pill and popped that stuff like it was candy.
It took about 10 minutes before we felt anything. It started out just making us partially numb and I couldn't think straight. Then, one after the other we started laughing hysterically. It was madness, dude. I can't even remember half of what we did. I swear to god at some point I flashed my best friend. God it was stupid but it was fun.
If you could call that fun...
Well anyway, we enjoyed molly to her fullest but eventually, just like the cannabis, it got boring. Our dumbasses just couldn't be satisfied.
God I wish I'd never tried LSD.
Why the hell was I so stupid!

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