"I don't think it was funny." She pouted.

"I'm sorry." He picked her up by her underarms and kissed her. Then it turned into them trying to swallow eachother.

"Disgusting." I rolled my eyes and walked out the party. As if right on cue, Reina was FaceTiming me.

"I was just about to call you." I said when I answered the phone.

"I miss you Demmy." She said sadly.

"I miss you too, baby. Just one more month." I tried to convince myself that it was going to breeze by.

"You been up there doing anything you're not supposed to?" She raised an eyebrow.


"Whea' you goin' Demitri? Look, I got two fa' me and one fa' you!" He laughed with the three girls wrapped around him. He was obviously drunk.

"Who's that?" Reina asked with an attitude.

"My roomate."

"And what are you getting one of." She mugged me.

"Nothing, he's just drunk."

Either she believes me and we can continue on with our conversation. Or she won't and she'll hit me with the 'I'm tired' and call me tomorrow.

"....I'm going to go see Tyler next week." She blurted out.

I looked at her like she had five heads.

"No you're not."

"You're in North Carolina, you can't stop me." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, he sent me these letters-"

I stopped walking, "Letters? What letters?"

"He sent me letters explaining himself. You didn't get one?" She asked.

"I did and I threw that bitch in the trash."

"Well I didn't. I'm going to go see him to get more answers." She told me as if there was no other way of me stopping her.

"What does your mom think of that?"

She gritted her teeth, "She's not going to know and you better not tell her, Demitri."

"And if I do?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have told you! You get on my fucking nerves!" She shouted into the phone.

My eyes widened at her volume, "Who the hell are you getting loud with?"

"I don't see anybody else on the phone!" She smartly remarked.

I see she's been hanging around Julie too much.

I groaned in frustration, "You're not going to go see him, Reina."

"I'll do what the hell I want, Demitri. You're not my father, my brother, or my boyfriend so I don't have to listen to what you say." With that, she hung up the phone.

I will admit that what she said cut a little deep. I'm claiming her and making this effort to get her to give me a chance as her boyfriend. But for what? I'm giving up everything that I would rather do for what? For her, and she's just being ungrateful.

"Fuck it then. She's absolutely right." I turned back around and made my way back to the party.

I'm not her boyfriend and I never was to begin with. So that means I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want, with whomever I want.


"You were wrong for that, Reina, and you know it." Julie said when I told her what happened on the phone with Demitri.

"I told him the truth." I shrugged.

"But he treats you like a girlfriend. The boy hasn't had sex in five months, he goes around campus calling you his, he even made an effort to bond with your son because he loves you." Kylee interjected. "You want to know how I know this? Because he tells us everything."

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. They're trying to sit here and make me feel bad, but I'm not going to feel sorry for telling him the truth.

"Your risking what you have with Demitri over Tyler?" Kylee asked with a little bit of disgust lacing her voice.

"Is it wrong for me wanting to get closure? I want to know why."

"Because he's crazy, Reina. It's just that simple." Julie said.

"No, there's more to it. You didn't read what was in those letters."

"Look, what you need to do is call him back."

"Fine." I mumbled, picking up my phone.

It ringed three time before he picked it up. He didn't say anything, I just heard heavy breathing.

I put it on speaker and that's when we all heard a girl moaning.

"Ahh, Demitri!"

Demitri groaned in response. Kylee and Julie sat there speechless and wide eyed.

"What's my name, baby?" He asked.

"Ooh, daddy." She whimpered.

I hung up the phone and slid on my shoes.

"Reina, where are you going?" Kylee asked.

"To Bryant's house." I walked out the house without another word.




Who was wrong? Why?

Why is Reina going to Bryant's house?

Excuse mistakes?

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now