Part 7

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Pre-Note: so I've been gaining hecka followers lately which is super cool thanks guys B) but please please please follow me on twitter @gracetheninja because I really wanna get to know all of you but it's hard to talk on here sigh so yeah follow me for a grand old time ye

A week passed.

And still, nothing. No sign of any memory of any sort.

But, luckily, Ian was starting to open up a little more. He was getting used to his life, I think. He made jokes and laughed and smiled. But it still wasn't Ian. Maybe it would never be.

Yesterday, he had his first doctor's appointment. He got his cast off and they switched him to some sort of brace thing that could easily be removed if we were filming, as long as we were extremely careful. So that's good. But, other than that, no news. The doctor was honest and said that most memory losses came back within the first week, but not to give up hope because some took months. Months.    

Tonight, we weren't doing anything, really, which was normal. We hadn't done anything in the past week. But, tomorrow, we were gonna try filming something. And I prayed everything would go okay, because we were out of usable footage. Of course, with our luck, the week of the accident was the week we were gonna film like, seven videos. 

It was around ten, and I could tell Ian was getting tired. He was still on a shit ton of medication, and beacuse if it, slept a lot. 

We were in the living room. I was half-watching How I Met Your Mother, half-scrolling through Twitter. Neither me or Ian (obviously) had been on all week, and people were starting to notice. I tweeted something stupid, trying to act like everything was normal.

Ian was next to me, trying to write a script. I had spent all week trying to show him how, but unfortunately, I didn't have his brain. I didn't know how he came up with his ideas or such geinus plots. All I could do was show him old videos and scripts and hope something came to him.

I glanced over at his screen. It was blank.

It was quiet for a few minutes, aside from Ted Mosby intoducing one of his new girlfriends (Stella, I think? I don't know, I've seen this show like five times and he's been with a new chick every episode) to Barney, and then it happened.

"Hey Anthony?" Ian asked quietly.

"Hmm?" I replied, setting my phone down and looking over at him.

He chewed his lip a little, which I had noticed was a habit he picked up on after the accident. He never did it before.

"I... kinda have a question."

"And I probably have an answer," I offered, smiling.

"So... you said we both have - well, had girlfriends, right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows a little, trying not to frown. I still had only talked to Kalel a little, but we still hadn't made up. And we probably never would.

"Yeah, why?"

He looked down at his hands. I noticed they were shaking a little.

"And we were dating for... six years? And I really loved her?"

I just looked at him. Why was he asking this?

"Well, yeah, I think so."

He only nodded.

"Okay. Sorry. I'm gonna go to bed."

He shut his laptop and stood up. Right before he was about to go down the hallway, I spoke.

"If you have anymore questions, or anything to tell me, or, anything, just know you can always ask me."

He nodded and tried to smile.

"Thank you." He looked like he was pondering something. Like he was gonna say something else but didn't know if he should. "Goodnight, Anthony."


Hold On (Ianthony)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora