Chapter 4: Finding things can be bad

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EJ’s pov

  I opened the door and heard a banging upstairs, was just gonna leave it when I heard my mum yell ' Fuck Demitry shit  argggg' I ran up to see what was going on. I walked into my parents’ room and saw a horrid sight of my mom laying on the bed and dad on top. Her tits were in his mouth and she seemed like she loved it. I walked back downstairs and walked out the door, never want to see that again. I walked up to Sara and her friend and whispered in her ear.

  'Mom and Dad are having to much fun so when you get in slam the door dead loud and see it they hear if they don’t walk out' She nodded and i walked to get the car locked. I walked into the house and Sara was no were to be seen.

  then i heard her yell 'DAD GET OFF OF MOM NOW YOU FUCKING MING AND GET YOU SHIT-HEADS DOWN STAIRS COZ YOUVE KILLED EJS BRAUIN WITH YOU HARDCORE. DONT WORRY IM NOT LOOKING. BYE' she came down the stairs with a big smirk on her cheeky little face. She is like somebody i should know but don’t, I just have a feeling.

Edward pov

  I got up and couldn’t hear any thought. I ran back to the house and when i got there Emmitt and Jasper were giggling like little girls but i couldn’t hear a single thought of my family’s. 'You look worried Edward what is it other than what has just happened' Emmitt burst out laughing. 'Fu- get-Fuck off Emmitt and i cant hear a single thought at all and it fells strange' I said angrily.

  ‘Ouch somebody’s in a mood’ Emmett, jasper and Roseile all said at the same time all laughing.

  ‘How long have you been like than' Carlisle asked ignoring the three clowns he called his kids.

  ‘I would say 5 minutes at the least' I frowned.

  'It might be because of the contact Eddie, you were so surprised Bella did it you lost you power' Roselie smirked. I stormed off to my room and didn’t want to come back down ever.

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