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Vikk's pov
I was sitting in the living room screwing around on my phone while I waited for everyone to be ready to go out for dinner. I didn't know Josh had entered the room until he started narrating me in his stupid David Attenborough voice.
"Here we see Vikk wasting time on his cellular device, a common activity for the young male."
I turned around to see him leaning against the door frame smirking at me. I try to tolerate the voice, but he knows I hate it, which is why he does it often.
I turned my phone off and stuck it in my pocket as a walked over to Josh, he made a move to kiss me, but I just grabbed his hand and drug him to his car so we could leave, still annoyed from his early narration.
We were in Nandos, where else would we be. I tried to suggest changing it up, but Nandos was easy and close. As I grabbed my food and started walking to the table, I could already hear Josh's impression.
"Here we have a wild Vikkstar123, about to eat his dinner which does not consist of curry like it typically does. This is an outstanding thing to witness, and we should all feel graced by being allowed to witness this event."
This made everyone at the table laugh, I cracked a smile, but that voice was the Bain of my existence. The rest of dinner went fine, everyone was chatting and joking, and Josh didn't use his David Attenborough voice again. Instead he held my hand and occasionally brought it up to his lips so he could kiss the back of it. He always made me feel special.
The rest of the guys decided to go out to a club, but me and Josh decided to go home and spend quality time together. Once we got home, we decided to watch a movie. As we were cuddled up together on the couch, Josh's arm wrapped around my back and me pressed against his side, everything seemed normal. Normal until Josh decided to swiftly push me on to the couch so I was laying down with him pinning my arms above my head. This was the beginning of a heated make out session that I knew would only end one way. Or so I thought.
A few minutes into making out, Josh stopped kissing me and leaned down so he could whisper in my ear. Usually this would be appropriate, but he had to make it weird.
"Why don't you follow me up to my room, maybe we can do it like animals."
Because of the sound of the David Attenborough impression mixed with the oddness of the sentence, I was done. I pushed Josh off of me and stood up as he started laughing uncontrollably. He stood as well, trying to grab my hand and lead me back to our previous position.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise."
He had to pause multiple times during that sentence due to him stifling giggles.
While continuing sounded pleasing, I was done with him and his impersonations for the night. I took my arm away from Josh's grasp and walked up stairs to my room, Josh following behind me whining about how his impression wasn't that bad. Let's just say, Josh didn't get what he wanted that night.

I just banged this out this morning, so it's not that great. I have been lazy lately, so I wouldn't expect and update every day from me, sorry!

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