Chapter 1

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Selena POV

"I can drive you home, Sel. You know how dangerous LA is these days." Alan asked.

"So you can take me to your house and attempt to rape me when I'm drunk? Again?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry about that," he said, blushing.

"It's fine, I could walk home with my eyes shut and I promise I won't go through the forest. Bye, Alan, see you tomorrow," I waved and looked at my wristwatch.

It was 8:30 already?

I swear I overwork my butt at that lame ass grocery store. I blame it on Alan. He makes me work extra so basically he can stare at my ass from his security camera and watch it in his office.

I knew I promised to go the safe, long way home and not the short, gang-infested way but it was my brother's birthday the next day and I was supposed to organize it all like he did mine last month so I wanted to make sure everything was set up correctly.

I dodged swiftly under the big branch blocking the entry of the forest and then I turned on my iPhone 6s flashlight to see where I was going. I guess you could say I was scared but come on, gangs don't actually appear and kidnap people do they?

I laughed nervously at the thought when I heard a twig snap.

I opened my KitKat. Chocolate helps me calm down. I ate about two before I saw a shadow pass me..."Hello?" I looked round.

Someone laughed.

I started running. Once it was quiet again and I saw the exit, I slowed down, taking another KitKat. I took a bite then paused. I felt a shiver so I rubbed my hand against my arm.

"Are you cold?" someone put their arm around me. "What are you doing here at this time if the night?"

"I-I was coming home from w-work," I stuttered.

"At this time? Your boss must be an asshole,"

"H-he kind of is," I still couldn't see who I was talking to and believe me, I was so scared. "Wh-who are y-you?" I stuttered.

The 'someone' laughed. He started attacking my neck with kisses.

"Can you let m-me go? I-I n-need to g-go home," I looked to my side.

"You're not going home again, baby," he chuckled, biting and sucking my neck.

"Le-leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed and kicked his crotch. He groaned and dropped to the floor.

Good for you, pervert.

I looked round for my phone. The flashlight was still on so I got on the ground, scrambling, still trying to get away. I found it and went to my GPS to tell me where I was.

Where the fuck was I?

I looked around for the exit I usually take but I couldn't find it.

"So, what's your name, gorgeous?" he grabbed my wrists.

"Leave me alone!" I struggled from his grip.

"Don't talk to me like that! Now apologize and tell me your name," he said.

"What the fuck am I apologizing for?" I punched him but he didn't flinch.

"Don't make me angry," he pulled me close to him and put his arm around my waist. I could smell his minty breath.

"My name is S-Selena," I whimpered.

"Selena... what?" he stroked my hair.

"Gomez," I sniffed, holding back tears.

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