Chapter One

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April waited on a bench near a soccer field alone for her ride to show up. She reached into her bag and pulled a fresh cigarette out of the Marlboro box.
She grabbed her lighter and cuffed her hand around the flame as she lit her cigarette.
"Where the hell is he?" April plopped the cigarette in her mouth and checked her phone. When she went to turn it on she saw car headlights appear on the street like huge disco lights in a jet black room.
He reached over and opened the door for her.
April slowly got in and questioned "Wher-" "I'm sorry.." Mr. B interupted her. "I had to drop my son off at his mother's." He spat.
"Oh.." she rolled the window down and tossed her cigarette out.
"You really need to quit smoking. I mean you have to know all of the dangers. Please April.."
"I'm sorry.." she stared out the window and watched the the tire move. Nothing was really said that car ride. April had nothing to say to him. And he had nothing to say to her. They finally arrived at his place.
"Here we are!" Mr. B glanced over at April and smiled as he pulled the keys out of the ignition. She slightly laughed and got out of the car and waited by the door for him to un lock it.
"Wow you're eager to get in.." He laughed.
"I'm just tired." She looked at her feet. He nodded and unlocked the door letting her in. As she stepped in the door and he grabbed her shoulders and gently pulled her back and kissed the side of her head.
"You know I love you.. right?" He whispered in her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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