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Jazzy and I talk for a little bit longer until two nurses come in and one of them tells us, "We're going to move you upstairs into a bigger room since you'll be staying the night."

"I'll go tell Lin and Anthony. We'll meet you upstairs," Jazzy says as she takes my clothes, and passes me my phone which was now charged. She then walks out to the waiting room, where I assume Lin and Anthony were.

The nurses bring me to my new room, and one of them tells me, "You should get some rest, we will go tell your family your new room number." They both exit the room and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, "Hello?" I say with a raspy voice from just waking up.

"Hey, what's your room number?" The other person asks.

"Who is this?"

"It's Sean."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to put your number in my phone. I am in room 238."

"I'll be right up," Sean says before I hang up.

I text Lin, "i'm up if you want to come in." Not even a minute later, Lin walks in. "Where did Anthony and Jasmine go?" I ask him.

"They went back to their apartment to get some sleep for the matinee," He explains.

"What about you?"

"I called out for the matinee, but I am going to do the 8:00 show, is that okay?"

"That's fine, also one of my friends is coming here. Actually he should be here any second."


"Yes, I met him at the party last night," I say emphasizing him.

"Also about parties, no more for a while."

"That is completely fine."

"Good, now when will he be here?" Lin says and Sean walks in the door. "Is this him?" Lin asks with his eyebrows raised. Wow, he mouths to me. I think Lin was in shock of Sean looks, he was tall, handsome, and made anyone swoon.

"How are you feeling? What happened? Are you okay?" Sean asks.

"I'm fine," I reply.

"You were in a car crash earlier, and you are laying the hospital bed, and you're clearly in pain," he says. He wasn't wrong about the pain part, I thought I was hiding it well but apparently I wasn't.

"And she had surgery earlier, she's lying to you," Lin adds.

"Just tell us the truth," Sean says.

"Okay. My leg is throbbing, I have a major headache, and it feels like I am being stabbed in the gut. Also I am tired, very, very tired," I confess.

"We will let you have some rest," Lin says as him and Sean walk out.

I try to relax but the pain is too distracting. I pick up my phone and decide to text Emily, "how did you make out? hopefully better than i did." I send.

She quickly responds with, "not a single scratch"

"you're lying !!"

"nope, what's your room number, they just finished my check up, or whatever."

"238" I send before setting down my phone, there's no way she's completely fine. She walks into my room and she wasn't lying. She was fine. "Woah," I say.

"Woah is right. It's a miracle," She replies as she comes in and sits on my bed.

"I guess I got extra because of you."

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm in a lot of pain."

"Well, I saw a boy out there," Emily says with her eyebrows raised.

"That's Sean," I tell her.

"Elizabeth's got a crush," She replies sing songy.

"No, I don't," I say with blush forming on my cheeks.

"Yes, you do! You're blushing," she argues.

"Okay," I say and put my hands up in defense. "Maybe I do like him."

Emily leaves a bit later when her parents come to pick her up, and Sean had to leave for some sports practice or something. It was just Lin and I. "How's the pain?" he asks me.

"It's gotten worse."

"Should I get someone to bump up your dose of meds?"

"That would nice," I say before he goes to find a nurse.

He comes back with a nurse behind him, "Is the pain still too strong?" the nurse asks me. I nod at him. "Let me fix that," he says while messing with my IV. "There you go," he says and then leaves.

"Thank you," I tell him.

The rest of the day we just chilled and talked. Lin went back to his apartment to get his laptop and some movies. We watch "The Little Mermaid" "Aladdin" "Snow White" and "The Lion King". After we watch all the movies, Lin heads home and I am left here. I decide to text Maddie, "how did you make out?"

She quickly responds with, "Only a broken arm."

"you got the easy end."

"What about you?"

"i have a lot wrong with me, broken leg, gash on my forehead, glass stuck in my abdomen needing surgery which i had earlier. and i'm very tired."


I put my phone down and decide to go to sleep early, knowing tomorrow I get to be home, and back in my own bed.

Sorry this was short and boring. It was a filler.

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