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"Alright, how does this sound," says Michael, clearing his throat. "You look so perfect standing there, in my... uh... fuck. I have nothing else."

"In my Minecraft jimjams," Ashton responds, spinning around on the moving desk chair. "That fits."

Michael shoots him a look. "Bro, I'm being serious."

"What are you even writing?" I ask him, confused. His face flushes red.

"Ashley likes poems," he tells me. "I mean, she likes the ones that rhyme."

"Okay? And what does that have to do with you?"

"I like Ashley and she likes poems, so I'm writing her a poem. Y'know Luke, sometimes, you're really fucking stupid." he rolls his eyes and I playfully throw a pillow at him.

"Why are you writing her a poem about your clothes?" Ashton grimaces. "The girl's got her own."

"I'm trying to make it sound sexy, alright?" Michael sighs in defeat. "But all I've got so far is fucking Minecraft jimjams."

"Why don't you try writing another poem, then?" I question him.

"You think I haven't? Mate, I've got this and another one that starts off by talking about how she's bitching."

"Proceed?" Ashton raises an eyebrow.

Michael sighs, opening his notepad to the front page. We take it from him, scanning the poem titles.

She Looks So Perfect
She's Kinda Hot

"Loving the jump from 'perfect' to 'kinda'," Ashton chuckles. "What's next? 'She's Okay'?"

"After that it's probably 'She's A Strong Three With the Right Filter and Lighting'," I mumble, scanning the verses and making Ashton laugh.

"What about, 'She's Not As Pretty As I Remember'?"

"'She Looks Like Shrek But She Gives Good Head'."

"'Fuck It, I Like Guys'," Ashton finishes off, making me howl in laughter.

"You dipshits!" groans Michael, hitting us both with the notepad. "I wanted help, not to be bullied!"

"Alright, alright, chill," I chuckle, nudging Ashton on the arm to stop him from giggling. "What about... sweatshirt?"

"You look so perfect standing there... in my sweatshirt. Who am I, Jacob Sartorious?"

"Evidently not, because he's actual got the balls to tell a girl he likes her." I joke, and his face flushes red.

"I do have the balls, okay? Just not with Ashley."

"Why? Because the girl has more balls than you?" Ashton blinks, making Michael flip him off.

"God, this is infuriating," he breathes, hands going up to massage his temples. "I just wanna know the sort of stuff she likes so that I'm not so fucking clueless about this poem."

"You could always go on her instagram page," I suggest, and his eyes light up slightly, before falling again.

"Isn't that considered stalking?"

"Who cares? Girls stalk boys all the time," Ashton interrupts, unlocking his phone. "And besides, you need the info."

"No, what I need is a voodoo doll that magically makes her fall in love with me," Michael groans, but he takes Ashton's phone regardless.

stepbrother ➼ luke hemmings (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now