2- Somebody's Jealous

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"Oh," I muttered while blushing. I had never gotten a compliment on my appearance besides ones from my parents or Aaron. Actually, all the compliments I had gotten from Aaron were insults hidden in disguise.

"Cute," I looked up again to see both of the twins smiling down at me.

This year was already turning out to be different, but, I was enjoying everything that had happened so far.


Once the bell rang, the teacher sat up immediately, yawned, and looked at all of us. We had all gone silent at the bell, and focused on him. He looked slightly uncomfortable with the attention, and we could all see his sweat rolling down his face.

"Okay," he projected a chart onto the wall from his computer, and it showed a bunch of names. "Shall we start with attendance?"

"Start," a bunch of students said in a bored tone.

"Anderson comma Aaron," he started. Aaron had always been on the top of the attendance list, because of his snooty name.

"Here," Aaron said confidently. A few names went by before he called mine.

"Dillon comma Emma," I had prepared myself to say 'here' from the start of the attendance list.

"Here," I raised my hand halfway and put it down. I could hear snickering behind me, but it seized once the twins let out a growl. It was weird growl, it sounded like one that an animal would make, like a wolf.

"Savage comma Axel," the twin to my left looked up.

"Here," I could hear girls giggle as they listened to his deep voice utter the word.

"Savage comma Blake," the twin to my right looked up.

"Here," the same thing happened, and I cringed as I heard a girl yell sexy beast from the back. The twins just grinned, comfortable with all the attention that they were getting. The teacher continued with the rest of his list, and had finished right before the bell rung, signaling for us to go to first period. As I pushed my seat back, both Axel and Blake stood up with me.

"Let's walk together," Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Tingles spread through my body, and I leaned into him.

"You have AP English?" I asked.

"Yes baby," Axel grabbed my backpack and slung it over his shoulders.

"Emma!" I saw Aaron walking towards us, he had an angry expression on his face, one that I hadn't seen in a while.

"Aaron, I'm going to AP Eng, Axel and Blake are taking me," I gestured towards the twins.

"Oh no problem," Aaron glared at them. "I'll take her, I'm going in the same direction."

"But you're going to Calculus with Mr. Rait," I wrinkled my eyebrows together. "His room's on the opposite side of the building."

"I can still walk you Ems," he grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"We'll be walking her," Axel pushed him away and pulled me back. I let out a gasp as he did so. While the boys continued to argue with each other, I took my backpack back from where Axel had dropped it, and walked towards the door.

"Angel!" I turned my head as Blake called to me. "Where are you going?"

"To class, we all have," I glanced at my watch. "About a minute to get to class, so I'm leaving, bye." As I closed the door, Blake strode towards me, slung me over his back, and started running down the hall to the classroom. "Hey! What are you doing dude?"

"We're here," he opened the door, and everyone in the class stared at us as he set me down in a chair. Axel immediately slid into the seat next to mine, and Blake did the same, just with the other seat. Thank goodness this was a smart people class, and it didn't have any dumb jocks or slutty bimbos in it. This would be all over the school if they were, juicy gossip spread like wildfire in this school.

"Are you all here?" the teacher turned her head and looked at all of us. Her bun was so tight that it looked like she was losing head circulation. "I'm going to take attendance, then we will start going over the syllabus."

Once the class was over, I stood up, and the boys followed me. They proceeded to do that for the next few classes until lunchtime. As we entered the cafeteria, all of the students stared at us.

"Angel you can sit down here," Blake pointed to a table. "And we'll get you your food."

"What would you like?" Axel questioned. 

"Get me anything as long as it doesn't have barbecue sauce on it."

"You don't like barbecue?" Axel clutched his chest, with a dramatic look on his face. "You're lucky I love you." I blushed at his words. They both walked to the lines for food, and students separated for them to pass to the front. After looking around, I realized that I was sitting at the table for popular people. The worst kind. It was for the girls who slept with everyone and wore enough makeup that their faces no longer looked human.

"Crap, crap, crap," I stood up, but just as I did so, I felt a clawed hand on my shoulder. It was Rebecca, the queen bee in school. Honestly, she was just a big bîtch to me, and to everyone else, even to her friends.

"Excuse me," she turned me around, and I looked up to see her and her friends standing in front of me, with their arms crossed over their huge chests. Chests that were filled with enough saline to fill a swimming pool.

"Yeah, ex-cuh-use us," Rebecca's best friend, named Jill, snapped her fingers. I sighed, annoyed with what I had to go through.

"This is OUR table, and trash like you shouldn't sit here," Rebecca sneered at me.

"I don't see your name engraved on this table," I mentally smacked myself at what I had said. I should've just moved away so that she would leave me alone, and I could sit by myself, like usual.

"First of all," she held up one claw. Her fingers were super long hot pink acrylic nails, which had a pound of jewels on them. I loved doing my nails, it was a secret little thing that I enjoyed doing, but I was uncomfortable looking at nails that looked like they would fall off because they were so heavy. "I have no idea what the word, en-grav-uud means, it's probably made up." She cackled with her friends. "And second of all, we're the top girls in this school, we get to do whatever we want. Third of all, LEAVE or we'll ruin your puny little social life."

"How do you ruin something that nonexistent?" I was technically offending myself, but she wouldn't notice.

"Stop using those stupid, made up words!" Rebecca pushed my bag off of the chair with her high heel. 

"Then stop being such an idiot," I was digging my own grave.

"You bîtch!" she moved to slap my face, but before she could get close, a large hand stopped it and pushed her away.

"Get off of our mate!" I saw Axel and Blake standing there, looking angry as hell.

Wait, why'd he call me his mate?


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