xxii || house of decorating

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"Joy, hey," Patricia smiled.

"Does you want to help me and Jerome decorate today?" Joy asked.

Patricia glanced back to Mara, who wasn't paying Patricia any attention, just sorting out her hair. Patricia was suppose to be getting the watch back today.

"Um... Yeah... Sure, I'll meet you by the door in a minute," Patricia hesitated.

"Okay," Joy grinned, before heading off to the stairs.

"Mara," Patricia spoke, walking over to Mara.

"Yeah?" Mara answered, looking up.

"I can't help with the watch today," Patricia told her in a whisper, so Nina didn't hear, "I need to help Joy and Jerome with the decorating."

"Okay," Mara nodded.


"Where are Joy, Jerome and Patricia?" Fleur asked, as she served up breakfast

"They are decorating the house that Mr. Sweet asked them to," Mara told Fleur simply.

"Okay," Fleur nodded.


Patricia stood, painting the opposite wall to Jerome and Joy, they were both chatting and laughing.

"Jerome, swipe horizontal not vertical," Joy laughed, guiding Jerome hand to the left.

"It doesn't make it easy that the walls aren't perfectly smooth," Jerome laughed.

"Well, you know what does make it easier?" Joy asked.


"Painting horizontally!" Joy shouted in a laughing tone.

"Fine, fine," Jerome huffed.

"You okay, Patricia?" Joy asked, walking over to Patricia.

"Fine," Patricia huffed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing," Patricia dismissed.

"Come on," Joy spoke, nudging Patricia, "I know when something is up."

Patricia didn't speak, just continued to paint the wall.

"Something Sibuna related?" Joy guessed, Patricia just looking towards her uncomfortably, "Come on, you know that I know about Sibuna. Are there any mysteries this year?"

"I can't tell you that, Joy," Patricia told her sorrowfully.

"That's a yes then," Joy laughed.


"Let's go," Eddie whispered to the others.

"So how are we getting in?" Charlie questioned.

"There's a back entrance, it should be open," Fabian spoke.

"What happens if Miss Chase is in there?" Charlie questioned.

"Two people keep her by the door, the other two go in and get the watch," Eddie instructed.

"Okay," They nodded, before leaving the house.


"NINA!" Lavender burst into their bedroom, with a worried and panicked look on her face.

"What? What's happened?" Nina asked, standing up.

"The lizard, it was in the basement and now its gone," Lavender told her in a panicked tone.

Sibuna Sacrifice // House of Anubis Season 4حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن