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I woke up to the t.v playing some comedy movie and my head in Charlie's lap. He was asleep. I got up and kissed him on the cheek walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Ryan who you talking to" I said to him after I heard a voice. "Justin" but he was interrupted "and me". I cringed.

Why was she here messing with my life?

"Oh you" I said death starring Selena.

"You were asleep and Selena just came over for a visit so I let her in but that was ages ago, we just got caught up in conversation" Ryan said smiling at her. "Yeah" she laughed.

Wait, no Ryan better not be falling for her and her traps!

Selena's Pov:

Lucky for me that bitches brothers were just as stupid as her giving me the chance to bring them into my trap. I was going to get the oldest what ever his name was to fall for me then I could gain his trust. Seeing as he believed everything Meghan said it would help me as he wouldn't believe her if she said anything bad about me. It was the perfect plan to bring her down and I was going to win with it!   

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