[3]: fucking is a strong word

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Harry eyes were so focused on my face and I had realized that he meant every word he had said. I knew that it was wrong to mentally admit that what he said did turn me on just a little. I was just as messed up as he was.

"I'm—gonna go back to Luke." I breathed and I turned around but he grabbed my arm and I was facing him once again.

"I wasn't serious, love. That was sick of me to say. You're a child."

"Yes." I nodded in agreement. "I am a child. So don't say shit like that to me ever again."

  His eyes grew wider and his eyebrows raised. He was definitely taken aback by what I said because in the short amount of time I had known Harry I had never disrespected him. "My apologizes." He said lowly.


  I exhaled and went back into the living room and wrapped my arms around Luke who was standing, waiting for me. "You alright, babe?"

"Fine." I mumble. "Let's go upstairs." I take his hand in mine and go upstairs with him. After closing my bedroom door he sat down on my bed and I took a seat on his lap. "When are we gonna do it?" I whisper.

  "Do what?" He smirked, obviously knowing what I'm talking about but wanting to hear me say it.

"Sex." This time speaking louder. "I want to have sex with you."

"We do have sex." He shrugged.

"Oral doesn't count."

"But we also—"

"And I don't want you to finger me all the time." I sigh. "I want you inside me." As those words left my lips I kissed his.

"Prim, I don't want to take your virginity."

I leaned back a little, scanning his face to see if he was serious or not. Of course, I push his shoulders and get off his lap. "Luke, what the hell?"

"What'd I say, now?"

"You don't listen and we've been dating for a year." Being really pissed, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. "I'm not a virgin and I tell you every time." I turn the other way so that he was facing my back. I had to stay quiet for a moment, collecting my thoughts. "Are you cheating?"

"Prim—babe, I would never cheat 0n you."

"Hm." I cross my arms and then my door was being swung opened.

"Hi, Luke." My mom smiled right past me. She was all dressed in her nurses uniform.

"Hey, Rose." Luke waved at my mother.

Her eyes went back to look at me. "This door stays open." She says very sternly.

"Got it. Sorry." I walk over to her so that what I was about to say was only heard by her. "Mom, I don't trust Harry."

She didn't say anything, instead she studied my face and hardly blinked. This was creeping me out because my mother is always talking so whenever she was speechless was so odd. "He makes me happy." A smiled formed across her lips. "You just met him, give it time."

"No, but—"

"I gotta get going, babe." She kissed the top of my head. "No closing the door with Luke in here." She reminded once more before she left.

"Prim?" Luke's concerned voice spoke. I turned around and saw the he was standing now. "I swear I'm not cheating. Of course I want to have sex with you. You're so fucking hot."

I blushed and he walked over to me and pulled me in close to him. He placed his hands on my lower back. "I want to make love to you."

The word love was something that I was afraid of. I'm not looking to fall in love. With Luke we mess around but we don't see each other everyday, and we talk too but it hasn't gotten serious. I just didn't allow myself to love him nor anyone. That's just how I was.

"Don't say that." I almost cringe.

"Sorry. Let's fuck." He flashed such a goofy smile and I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, Hemmings. You're cute."

Out of nowhere I felt vibration against my upper thigh and look down between us. "Someone's excited, yeah?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Got a text, hold on." His hands pulled away from me while he pulled out his phone and started typing away. His head finally popped up. "I have to go."

"Kiss goodbye?" I pout.

"Of course, come here beautiful." He hold his arms out and I jump into them and kiss his plump lips. His kisses are amazing and ever since he got his lip pierced all I ever wanna do is kiss him.

"Prim, the boyfriend has got to go." Harry's deep yet slick filled voice interrupted us, making me pull away from Luke's mouth. I sighed in annoyance and he put me down. "Bye, babe." He pecked my lips once more and when he was close to Harry he said, "I was leaving anyway, mate." And with that he left leaving Harry just nodding.


"Your my mom wanted Luke gone for some reason." He shrugged.

My eyes went from his face to his chest and I crossed my arms. "Why are you always shirtless around me?"

"I just got out the shower, darling. Didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"How could you know, right? A stranger's in my house just making himself at home." The sarcasm was very prominent.

"You really hate me, huh?"

"Hate is a really strong word."

"So is fucking." He bit back.

"You heard that?"

"The bathroom is right next to your room and the door is wide open."

"Get out." I demand. "Why are you still here anyway?"

"Your mother let me get ready for work here. She's amazing."

"You really like her don't you?" I asked very sincerely.

"Yeah, I do."

"You know, you're the first guy she's ever dated after dad." I blatantly admitted.

"Guess I'm lucky." He chortled. "Oh and if we're ever gonna get along I have to be honest with you."

"Okay.... do you need to confess something?" I halfway joked.

"Your mother didn't want Luke gone. I did." He started walking out whilst uttering the words, "See you later tonight."

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