Mean horoscopes..

487 12 4


Aries:Just because you read it on the internet doesn't make it true

Taurus:The people you left behind are the ones you'd be nothing without

Gemini:Picking your wedgies in public isn't a very good idea

Cancer:Take care of yourself for once in your damn life. Please we're all worried about you

Leo:Stop talking about the same three subjects all the time

Virgo:You're a buzzkill.

Libra:Honestly, what are you actually doing with your life?

Scorpio:Being an asshole isn't going to get you anywhere in life

Sagittarius:Again, your jokes are not funny. They never were. Just don't.

Capricorn:Please make up your mind, everyone is getting tired of your nonsense

Aquarius:Leave your room at least once a month

Pisces:You're reading too far into things, when it's actually ridiculously obvious and in your face

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