Who the hell do you think you are!?

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It can't be him there's no way, I haven't seen him in 3 years. "It can't be" my eyes widen as I take a closer look. I let go of his collar and take a step back. "Did you miss me?" He stays with a grin on his face, I look in his eyes and all I see is happiness and guilt but he quickly masks it with a straight face.

"I..I I uhhhh" Riley speak you were talking perfectly fine before. All the memories we shared start coming to me full force, all the laughs and great times we shared. I couldn't think properly with him looking at me like that. We used to be so close.

All of a sudden I felt like I was smacked in the face the memory that ruined everything. What he did to me, how he just left me like that. I felt a wave of anger come over me and sadness.

"Get the fuck away from me" I said lowly looking up into his eyes. A hint a pain flashed through him but he quickly masked it. "Come on don't be like that" he reached out to me and I took a step back. I glared at him "Don't be like that? Don't be like that!? Who the hell do you think you're talking to!". He has some nerve talking To me after what he did to me, he sent me through hell.

"Look in sorry but what happened between us was so long ago can't you just drop it already, God your so annoying" he scoffed and looked at me hard, how dare he. I can't believe I even talked to him.

Flashback (9th grade):

I walked into my house dressed in all black, blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks. It was three days after my parents died and I just got home from the funeral. Keeley walked straight to the kitchen to find my dads now old stash of rum. This has been her daily routine since the accident and her screaming and crying drunkenly about what will happen to us.

I had just been in a state of shock I just graduated 9th grade it was the start of my summer, I was suppose to do so many things. A 14 year old wasn't suppose to loose her parents so soon.

I'm made my way up stairs and got out of the ugly black dress and immediately went to my phone. I had 3 texts from Danny. He's helped me through a lot, we were always there for eachother and ever kept any secrets. We were so close. I unlocked my phone and read what he sent me. " hey Riley you'll get through this I'm here for you." "Please text me I need to know how you are" "I messed up please answer I'm so sorry Riley".

Let me rephrase this we WERE close. Danny and I met in preschool fighting over the last dinosaur toy which left me a scar and a couple of bruises. I lost the fight but he was nice enough to share. We grew up becoming great friends where we saw eachother almost every single day. We also were quite the pranksters, you know the classics of hand in warm water or water gun fights stuff like that.

He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. He grew up in a verbally abusive house, his parents would never believe in him to accomplish anything, instead they worshipped his older sister Nina and would always compare him to her. He didn't like having a large group of friends but a rather small group of close friends. His favorite foods were cookies Doritos and chicken with rice and he hated vegetables but he always was drinking ice tea. He also played baseball and was a hockey goalie.

I was the first person he opened up to about anything really, if he needed to get something off his chest. And he was the first person I'd go to also. He knew how I wasn't a picky eater how I played hockey and field hockey how my favorite color was grey. But besides that I told him about things I've never talked to anyone but him about. Early eighth grade year I was dating a guy named Jared he was sweet at first and treated me amazing but something changed as our relationship went on. He became possessive and started to become verbally abusive calling me names and saying I was cheating on him everytime I hung out with my friends. I ended up cutting everyone from my life to spend my time only with him. I would cry every night knowing I couldn't get out of it. One night at a friends house party I caught him making out with a slut while drunk. I mean he was only 15 he shouldn't even been drinking. I ran home and cried my eyes out. After that I broke up with him and went into a depression, Jared would make my life a living hell bullying me every waking second. I didn't want to live anymore. I had lost touch with all my close friends and barely talked to Danny. I texted him one night and asked him to hang out and he immediately came over. He was by my side while I explained everything that had happened. He just held me and told me it'd be okay. From then on me and Danny were inseparable, I wouldn't go anywhere with out him and he wouldn't go anywhere with out me.

Over the summer going into 9th grade I started having feelings for Danny, I didn't want to ruin what we had so I kept it to my self. When October came around Danny started to act funny, started getting more nervous and would play with his lip which is what he did when he was anxious. One day he came up to me looking like he was gonna throw up. "Are you okay? Do you need to go home?" I asked confused and worried. "haha uh no, I came to ask you a question." "Okay spit it out then" I laughed. "Wanttogoonadatewithmetothemovies". I stared at him "one more time?" I questioned. "Want to go on a date with me to the movies" he said quietly probably hoping I wouldn't hear. I got a huge smile on my face and said yes. From then on we started dating through out all of 9th grade. I was actually happy for once. He made me happy. I know people say you're to young to know what love is but I believe you know when you know, and I knew we loved eachother. We'd do anything for eachother.

The end of 9th grade is where things took a turn for the worst, he claimed he wasn't happy anymore with and claimed he was more stressed out and sad then happy with me. When we took the break not even a day later I find out he had been talking to another girl and hugging her, not bothering to tell me, we both knew exactly what the difference was between a break and a break up. Apparently they had been "talking" for awhile and
that they were gonna date soon. I was heartbroken. I felt used yet again, I was disgusted with myself thinking that I wasn't good enough. I opened up to him about being cheated on before and then he goes and does it to me. From then on I cut off all connections with him and never talked to him again.

That summer my parents died and it was like a switch went off, I turned off all my emotions. I refused to answer his texts and blocked him. After that through the years I made new friends and made it big time in hockey. I was doing so much better. I forced myself to forget.... To forget everything that made me weak.

End of flashback:

"Let it go! You broke me, do you know how much I went through" I poked him in the chest. He did this to me he caused me to be the person I am now.

"Come on Riley don't be so harsh I texted you, you could have answered" he shot back. "I could have answered a text? Yeah I could have except that's not what you do when you have to apologize, you talk to them face to face not through a fucking screen" I told him, I took out my phone and looked at the time I had 5 minutes before the bell rung. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Stay away from me unless you want to get hurt like I did" I told him and started to walk away.

Danny grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back "come on I know my Riley is still in there somewhere, the cute nice caring one who's voice would shake every time she swore cause she knew it was bad, or the girl who would look at the ground and get shy when meeting someone new" he begged. I ripped my arm from him and glared hard at him and said the words that came out like venom.
" you killed that girl long ago" and walked away.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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