t h i r t e e n

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"What are you doing here? I thought you went home", Jimin says trying to change the subject.

"Don't worry about me, why were you going to tell her about our old friendship? That's from the past, you should forget about it. Don't even mention that little piece of shit, he's from the past also", Yoongi says walking away to his car.

"Is he mad? I'm sorry I made him mad at you Jimin", Minseo gets up and apologies.

"No don't worry, I now know he doesn't like talking about the past. I wonder what that person did to make him like this", Jimin says to Minseo to not make her sad.

"Oh, I'm going to go now. I'll see you tomorrow and at the party, bye Jimin", Minseo waves to Jimin while walking away.

Jimin waves back and walks over to Yoongi's car who is still there on his phone. Jimin opens the passenger door and sits down beside him. He waits for him to notice, but Yoongi just acts like he's not there.

"Why can't I mention the past to Minseo? She just wanted to know and she's the only one out of my friends that know", Jimin says breaking the silence.

Yoongi looks up at him and doesn't say anything for a while.

"I don't like the past being mentioned especially about my ex best friend", Yoongi says answering his question.

"Why? It was just a old friendship".

"That friendship was a good friendship that lasted long, I never had that friendship in a while since I met Hoseok. Me and Hoseok have been friends for 3 years, we were friends longer than that. I want to have a long friendship with someone who wants to be friends, I don't even want to remember our past friendship, it angers me", After Yoongi says looking away.

"Why does it bring you anger?".

"I don't like it, I really don't. I was really happy with you and then I betrayed it. I betrayed our own friendship that was great, that's why we basically hate each other".

"Do you want to start over then?", Jimin said adding a smile.

"Get out",Yoongi says pointing at the door.

Jimin nods and walks out of the car. He starts walking to his house and gets out his phone. He kept asking himself if he should take care of Aecha today or he can.

Should I take care of Aecha today?

no she's better with me and I don't want to see you again until tomorrow
and no I'm not picking you up again

"Well fuck you", Jimin says after reading that text.

whatever you say

Jimin arrives home and greets his mom while walking into his room. Jimin lays on his bed and keeps thinking about what Yoongi had said. He didn't think Yoongi felt that way over their old friendship, he didn't seem like the type to be like that.


Yoongi was sitting on his bed looking at Aecha.

"Sometimes I wish you were real Aecha", Yoongi says laughing a little bit.

Yoongi likes the way he treats her like he was a real father to her. He does want to be father in the future, it makes him happy that he feels like he is one right now. Those thoughts stopped when he remembered what he told Jimin about his feelings towards the old friendship.

He also didn't like his old friendship with the person he betrayed him with. That boy would always talk shit about Jimin and he never liked it. The only reason Yoongi hanged out with him was because he wanted to meet new people, but it was horrible.

"I don't like people".

Yoongi started to get hungry, but he doesn't feel like getting up. He also doesn't eat the leftover food.

can you buy me food

why should I? You don't even want to see me
So nope

ill pay you to

so what do you want to eat?

anything at this point

wait I don't have a car

Ask your friends
if you got any



Jimin calls Haeyo if he can drive him to the store. He agrees and says he'll be there. Jimin starts to get ready and starts thinking to what to buy Yoongi.

"I should buy him chicken because it's cheap or chips. Should I also buy him a drink? Ew why am I caring, I'm just gonna get him chicken", Jimin says as he puts his shoes on.

Haeyo texted Jimin saying he was outside and that he'll leave if Jimin doesn't get out of his house. Jimin sighs and runs out of his house walking to his car.

"Are you going to say hi?", Jimin says looking at Han.

"Bye? I was doing something, but I only agreed because I wanted food too".

"What were you doing then?".

Haeyo bit his top lip trying not to laugh at what he was doing.


"Don't tell me you were watching porn or masturbating", Jimin says in a disgusted look.

"What no! I was thinking if things to do at the party because it will seem boring. You're disgusting Jimin, do you do that?", Haeyo says driving and hit Jimin in his arm.

"Don't you always watch porn? You're never going to go to a party if you ruin it again".

Haeyo didn't say anything back, he was just paying attention to where he was going.

"Wait, why do you want to go to the store? You never ask me".

Jimin didn't know how to respond, he wasn't in the mood to stand up for himself while Haeyp was making fun of him. Jimin didn't respond to him and just kept looking out the window. They didn't say anything until they arrived at the store.

"I'm going to get chicken and other stuff", Jimin says walking away from Haeyo.

Jimin was walking threw the sections looking for chicken and other kinds of food for himself. He brought a water bottle for him and Yoongi. As he was looking threw the sections, he saw someone familiar. He couldn't figure out the face, but he knows he have seen that person before.

Jimin decided to ignore it.

im sorry for not updating in a week¿
ive been having writers block

we have 1.5K reads and past 200 votes
we are growing fast guys

also the edit :/
i gave up on it and did a different one

i did this one its ok :/I make edits and post memes sometimes i should stop

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i did this one
its ok :/
I make edits and post memes sometimes
i should stop


its 6am and i haven't slept
sorry if you can't understand what i was trying to say
School is also about to start
I'm going on vacation soon

bye bye 🐸♡

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