"We're almost done here. We'll pick up lunch on the way home if you want." I offered to him. He nodded and got my hand to start playing with my wedding ring. Ethan came out of the dressing room and had a smirk on his face because his little tuxedo fit right away without the struggle that I had. Zayn was getting measured again for his suit because the lady couldn't find anything that would fit his broad shoulders. She stopped measuring Zayn to go make sure everything fit Ethan. His pants were just a little long so she pinned those up and he went to change.

"Looks like it's your turn now." I told Ezra. He handed me my phone and let go of my hand so he could go stand next to Zayn. Zayn reached down to mess up Ezra's hair a bit. The lady handed Zayn a suit to try on then begin to measure Ezra. Ethan came over to me and sat on my lap. I kissed him and tickled his sides a bit to make him giggle.

"How's this?" Zayn asked, opening the door to the dressing room. My jaw dropped because he looked so amazing. For the number of times I've seen my husband dressed up, I'm still not used to it and will never be over how amazing he looks. Ethan slipped off my lap and I stood up to see him. He looked down at himself then over at me for approval.

"You look really nice. You should get this one." I said to him. He nodded to me and walked closer to me to give me a kiss. I placed my hand on his waist and kissed him again. His thumb swiped over my cheek before he went to change. Ezra came out of his dressing room and looked absolutely disgusted that he was in a tuxedo. He looked really nice in it though and I couldn't help but notice that he definitely had Zayn's body. Broad shoulders and a thin waist.

"This fits you great. Too long, but great." The lady said. I wanted to laugh because I guess hight was a problem me and the boys had. I've always been short, but I just didn't really think my kids would be short too.

Zayn went to the front to pay for everything while I got the boys ready to go out to the car. There were a few paparazzi outside that were just waiting the whole time we were shopping here. I just told them not to look up at the cameras and to keep holding my hands. Zayn came over and picked up Ethan while I just held onto Ezra's little hand. All of us left the shop and we're bombarded with questions. I got shoved a little and Ezra looked up.

"Don't touch my dad! Go away!" Ezra yelled at one of the men. I kept pushing through, the only thought I had was a memory of the time that Zayn almost got arrested because of a paparazzi incident. Zayn got both the boys in the car and I got in also. I heard him politely ask all the people not to publish those pictures of our kids. They seemed to back off then while I told the boys to get buckled up. Zayn got in the car and looked back at Ezra, giving him a look that said nothing but a "we'll talk about this later".

On our way home we went through the drive thru at McDonald's to get something for lunch. Zayn reached over to get my hand in his and gave it a kiss. I smiled before my phone started ringing in my pocket. I reached to get it and saw it was my mum calling me. I showed it to Zayn and he nodded before I answered it.

"Hey, Mum. How are you?" I asked her. The boys in the back seat started to get excited that I was on the phone with their grandma, but I had to hush them because I couldn't hear her.

"I'm fine, love. Are you all busy now?" She asked me. We were just pulling through the gates of of large estate. The way our house is positioned is that it's hidden farther back on the large lot size we have. The driveway goes far back from where our actual house is. It was covered by a lot of trees and bushes to give us privacy. We all loved our house.

"No, we're just getting home from getting lunch and fitted for tuxedos and suits. What's up?" I asked, but I got my answer when we got closer to our house. Both my parents were standing on the front porch waiting. I knew Louis said they were going to fly my parents out for the wedding to surprise me, but I didn't know when my family was going to be here so I was still surprised. The car parked and I jumped out of the car to go to my parents.

"We missed you, baby boy." My dad said to me. I smiled as he hugged me because no matter how old I get, I'll always be their baby boy. It makes me happy because growing up for me never really happened that well. The boys came and hugged their grandparents. I moved back and saw Zayn was kind of hidding behind his open car door. I waved him over so he left the bag of food on the hood of the car and came over to hold my hand.

"Zayn, don't be shy! Come here, handsome." My mum said. He went over and gave her a hug. She fussed over him, telling him his hair was too long and that he looked like he was more muscular. She loved him and treated him like a son. Zayn went over to give my dad a handshake and a hug.

"Have you been good to my boy?" My dad asked Zayn. He nodded and picked up Ethan because he wanted up. They both went to get the food from the car, Ezra joining them by asking to jump on Zayn's back. Of course, he wasn't denied that. My dad smiled at the way Zayn was with our kids and smiled at me. I went to unlock the door and let them in. We were all greeted by Rocky running around. I took my parents to the living room so we could all catch up. The boys started to eat their lunch and tell their grandparents about what their new puppy does. Zayn brought some water for my parents and I reached to move the camera I had been messing around with that Harry gave me a few days ago.

"What is that? Are you taking up photography?" My mum asked me. I shrugged and pushed the camera away from us.

"He's really good. You should see some of the pictures he's taken of the boys. He even took a picture that's on the cover of a magazine. I didn't know if you saw that or not." Zayn jumped in and said. He reached for the camera and begin to look through some of the pictures I had taken. He showed my parents one I had taken of Zayn and the boys when they were all laying in the grass playing with Rocky. The way the sun was on all their tan skin looked good in the picture and the way the love they all had for each other was amazing.

"That's really good, Niall. I think you have something." My dad told me. I just shrugged one more time but Zayn once again stood up for me when I wouldn't do it myself.

"Harry and Louis asked him to take some pictures at their wedding because of how good he is." Zayn said, making me realize that he was building me up when I wouldn't do it myself. I guess that's just another thing to add to the list of things that make Zayn an amazing man.

A/N: I'm think I'll update twice tonight! How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?!??!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now