Its my intro, i can have louis if i want to

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Authors quick note:
Soooo my first actual full chapter book. I am super excited!!! So like I thought of this story idea while doing the dishes. Yes, I know you didn't need to know that
Kk imma let you read now! Bye😘 ~Kat

Maya Hart was just your average small town girl living in Bentlyville, Missouri. She is about 5 feet tall, though she wishes otherwise. She has beautiful golden hair that goes to below her shoulders, and deep blue ocean eyes that anyone could get lost in. She currently works at her mom's diner, as a waitress. She hates working there, all the guys who came there tried to flirt. HORRIBLY. But we'll learn about that later. All Maya wants to do is leave. She wants to be somebody. She just doesn't know how.

Lucas Friar, the prince of England.
(yes I know England already has a queen but idc)
He's about 6 feet tall, maybe a couple inches taller. Lucas has short, clean cut, dirty blonde hair. He has bright green puppy dog eyes, that could just melt your heart. All Lucas has ever done was, you know, be a prince. So, he was always traveling for meeting with other countries and doing his princely duties. In all honesty, Lucas hates being a prince. All he wants to do is settle down and live a relaxed life. Don't get him wrong, he loves being rich and such, but in exchange for that he has to give up a lot of his freedoms. But again, we'll get into that later.

So, two completely different human beings. With each background, you'd never think that they'd meet.
Well they do.
And all hell breaks loose.

Heeheehee... Ok first chapter is boring I know. Ok. But I want to make sure that you guys like it first. So yeah, tell me what y'all think. Ok byeeee

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