Chapter 1: The New Kid

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{Cadenza's POV}
I was super nervous cause I was a new kid at Phoenix Drop High. Even though my adopted brother Laurance and my boyfriend Dante go here as well I was still nervous about being around new people. Let alone trying to become friends with them. I was then snapped out of my thoughts as I ran into something...or someone. I then looked up to see that I ran into a wall. What a great way to embarrass yourself on the first day Cadenza! I sarcastically but mentally said to myself and mentally slapped myself as well. Then I started to walk around looking for my locker once I found it I quickly unlocked it and put my stuff in as the bell rang.

Once I got what I needed I grabbed my school schedule and headed for my first class. When I get there I sit down at a lone table as a few more students walks in and begin to doodle. Shortly after I start drawing I see two hands placed on the front of my desk. I can easily tell that it's a girl from the shape and purple nail polish. When I look up I see a short girl with long black hair and caramel brown eyes smiling at me. "Hi, I'm Aphmau nice to meet you." She says cheerfully. "Hi I'm Cadenza nice to meet you too Aphmau." Her smile widens a bit more as she takes a seat next to me just as the teacher walks in. When it's lunch time I sit with Aphamu and we get each other's phone numbers.

{Time skip to after school}

As I walk out of the school I see a site that makes my heart break into a million pieces. Dante MY boyfriend was KISSING Nicole Von Rosenberg. I quickly run to the bleachers and sit down as tears stream down my face.

{Aphmau's POV}
As I was about to leave the school I heard someone crying near the bleachers. I decided to see who it was. As I got closer to the bleachers I could see that it was the new girl, I think her name was Cadenza. I walked up to her and asked, "Are you ok?" She looked up to see it was me send shook her head no. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously, "My boyfriend Dante cheated on me with Nicole while I was away at my summer school." Cadenza said and she started crying even more. I set my stuff down after I texted my brother Aaron telling him that I'm comforting a new friend. After that I sat down on the bleachers next to her and started rubbing her back gently. When she calms down we get our things and walk to the front to see the best friend trio Garroth, Aaron, and Laurance wrestling in the grass.

"The guy with black hair in the red hoodie is kinda hot." Cadenza said as I look at her to see her drooling a bit. "He's my brother." She looks at me shocked and says, "He is?!?!" I nod as I continue to walk over to the boys. "Hey Aaron is mom here yet?" I ask as my brother pins both Garroth and Laurance to the ground. "No but she should be here any minute now." He says getting up and hugging me. "Oh hey Cadenza what's wrong it looks like you were crying." Laurance says getting up and hugging Cadenza as she starts to cry again. "They're brother and sister. Cadenza just transferred here from her summer school." Aaron whispers in my ear and I nod as Gene and Dante walk up to us.

{Gene's POV}
Me and my brother Dante walk up to Laurance, Cadenza Laurance's sister, Garroth, Aaron my crush, and his sister Aphmau. "Hey Kitty how's it going?" I ask as I walk up to Aphmau which makes Aaron growl. "What's the matter Aaron jealous?" I smirk as he clenches his fists out of anger I hate when he's mad. But since I don't know how to properly express my feelings to him all I've been doing is making him mad. Then out of nowhere he punches me which makes me mad and punch back turning it into a full out brawl but we're soon pulled apart by Garroth, Dante and Laurance. Garroth and Laurance hold him back while Dante holds me back. "Aaron come on moms here." Aphmau says tugging on her brothers arm while he continues to glare at me. He shakes himself free from his friends and follows his sister to their car. I tear up a small bit but not noticeable realizing what I've done. "Come on Gene it's time for us to go." Dante says as our moms car pulls up. We get in as my mind is still focused on Aaron and head home.

Once we got home me and my brother went straight to my room and start talking about earlier. "Gene this is starting to get out of hand you need to tell Aaron how you feel, you've been hiding your feelings for too long." Dante said as I closed the door so our mom doesn't hear. "Why? So I can get my heart broken, no thanks." I said as I toss my stuff on my bed. "Gene your fights with him are getting worse, the last time y'all fought he almost broke your wrist." Dante said sitting down on my bed while I sat in my desk chair. "So I rather have my wrist broken then to tell him only to get beat up even more! Besides even if I wanted to tell him I don't know how to, you know I've never been good at expressing my feelings." I say throwing my hands into the air before placing my head on my desk. "So I rather you embarrass yourself then to keep getting into fights with someone you love." Dante said patting me on the back.

"Please Gene I don't want to see you get hurt even more, he's already hurt you physically and I can tell that fighting him is hurting you emotionally. Gene you need to tell him how you feel." My brother pleaded. "No Dante I rather die then to get my heart broken by Aaron." I slightly yelled looking up at him the room went silent for a few minutes. Then I spoke up and said, "Can you please leave, I need to work on my homework." "Fine but I'm not gonna stop until I convince you to confess your feelings to Aaron." Dante said then left the room.

{Aaron's POV}
"Aaron are you ok?" My little sister asked concerned sitting next to me in the backseat. "Yeah Aph I'm fine." I replied, "Aaron Falcon Phoenix you are grounded for a month, this is the, well I lost track on how many times you've gotten into a fight especially fights with that boy." Our mother said as we pulled away from our school. "Mom he keeps calling Aph Kitty, KITTY, do you really expect me not to do something about it?" I asked as we pull onto our street. "Still that does not require violence and getting yourself hurt." Mom said as we got out of the car and went inside. "Now go to your room, oh and no TV for 2 weeks. No phone unless it's to call me or your sister for a month and no friends over for a month." After my mom said that I just went to my room and slammed the door shut.

I swear one of these days I'm gonna kill Gene. I don't get why he's always making fun of Aphamu or trying to get me in trouble. That's what pisses me off even more. I mean I get why everyone would call Aphmau a potato cause she a little short but Kitty doesn't make sense at all. If he messes with her one more time then he's really gonna get it. I walk over to my punching bag and punch my anger away like normal. "Aaron may I come in?" I hear Aph ask as she knocks on my bedroom door. "Yeah you can come in." She comes in and sits on my bed as I go back to punching by punching bag. "Aaron? Do you think you could at least try to be friends with Gene? He's probably just misunderstood who knows y'all may have a lot in common but don't know it yet." I stop as she says that. "*sighs* Fine I'll give it a try but not for him for you." She smiles as she hugs me, "Thanks Aaron your the best big brother ever." We let go and she leaves then I begin to work on my homework.

A/N Hey all my wolf pups and readers thx for reading my new book "The Love Of My Life" this is another collab book with the amazing and wonderful Lurrina_Moonmist plz guys go check her out she is SO awesome and an amazing writer until next chappy wolf pups and readers💙

The Love Of My Life an Aphmau X Cadenza Phoenix Drop High Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن