chapter 11

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Jaime's POV

Me and Megan were playing because the film had finished and we didn't know what else to do, right now we are playing hide and seek and I'm trying to find her, for a person who's never been to my house before she can sure find a good hiding place.

"Come out, come out where ever you are" I said as I was hunting high and low for her. I then heard moving from my bedroom. I walked in and looked around. I heard quiet giggling so I knew I was in the right place.

"I know you're in here" I laughed. I looked in the wardrobe, under the bed and in the bathroom. Then I saw a small figure behind the curtain.


I slowly walked over to the curtain, then in one quick move I opened the curtain to her surprise and picked her up.

"I got you now!" I laughed as I ran around with her over my shoulder.

"Daddy-stop" She said between laughs. I then left the room and headed downstairs with her still over my shoulder.

Knock, knock, knock.

That must be the guys. So I went to the lounge and placed Megan on the couch.

"Okay sweetie, 3 of my very close friends are here and I want you to meet them but just quiet okay?"

"Okay daddy!" She smiled and sat down quietly.

I walked out of the lounge and into the hall. I opened the door too see 3 idiots standing in front of me.

"Hey guys, come in!" I said welcoming them into my house, they all walked in and headed for the lounge.

"Guys wait!" They all stopped in their tracks and looked at me "I-um, there is someone I want to you meet, you'll probably be shocked but um,. just come with me" I said as I pushed past them and went in the lounge before them, they all followed suit. They all stopped when they saw Megan. Mike and Vic looked confused but Tony was smiling.

"Your Megan's dad?!" Tony asked looking excited, I was confused.

"Um yeah.. how do-?" I was cut off by Tony.

"Oh, I met up with Ellie last night and I met her" He smiled. Oh that makes sense.

"Tony!!" Megan shouted as she went to hug him.

"Hey cutie" He hugged her. Mike and Vic were still looking confused. Megan then let go of Tony and look at the 2 brothers.

"Hi I'm Megan" She stood there smiling. They both knelt down so they were her height, well near enough.

"Hey there" Mike said.

"Hey sweetie" Vic also said.

"Er. Yeah, guys as you can tell this is my daughter Megan" I stood there smiling but not knowing what to do.

"Wow. She's a cutie, how did Katie take it?" Mike asked.

"Well actually, better than I thought. But this little monster doesn't exactly like her very much" I said as I ruffled her hair, which made her whine.

"It's just a kid thing, she'll come round eventually" Tony said.

"Hope so" I said "So what you guys wanna do?"

"Pizza!!" Megan shouted, earning a laugh from the guys.

"She sure is yours Hime" Vic laughed, I just flipped him off and went to kitchen so I could order the pizza.

When I returned back to the lounge, Megan was sitting on Mikes lap and playing patter cake with him, I can tell already them 2 will get along well.

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