17♧ He Cares, She Cares

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After the ice-cream session with iKON, the driver dropped me off at my place first.

I received another message from Eun Na unnie, telling me that iKON will be having their music show debut on SBS's Inkigayo so that means that tomorrow I'll have to go there with iKON.

I took a good night's sleep and prayed for iKON's performance to be successful tomorrow, and also secretly hoping that Jinhwan will forgive me and glance my way.


Jinhwan's POV

This won't do. I needed to find out how close are Hanbin and Y/N.

I don't think I've heard from him that he knows her?


"Mmmhn?" He was meddling with his phone when I decided to sit beside him and speak to him.

"Uhmm.. that.. Y/N? You knew her before this? How and when?"

"Yeah.. Remember how I always went over to the reception counter to get our schedule? She works there before this and we kind of talked to each other." I've noticed that everytime he talked about her, how his lips automatically curved into a smile.

"Oh I see. You like her?" I probed again.

Hanbin's face turned bright red as he kept his phone and stood up.

He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hyung, I'm going to sleep now. Good night~" Then he strode happily into his room.

What the hell, Kim Hanbin?



I got myself ready and headed to the YG Building.

The company car is already waiting outside as I quickly walked over to the group of people consisting of Eun Na unnie, YG staffs and iKON.

I wasn't late, was I? But they seemed to be waiting for me alone so I felt slightly embarrassed.

"Kaja, hop in." Eun Na unnie smiled to me as she opened the first car and I hopped in, followed by the rest of iKON.

"Do well for your music show debut, okay? Fighting!" I said as to break the silence. They weren't talking much since earlier, I think they must be feeling very nervous about their very first performance on music show.

"We will, don't worry." Hanbin gave me a weak smile as he patted my head slightly. Damn I'm feeling too conscious about this.

I glanced towards the rest of iKON and my attention shifted to him.

"Jinhwan-sshi, you don't look that good. Are you sick?" I asked out of concern. I used the formal term because I don't know whether he would like it if I called him by his name.

He looked at me sideways for awhile and moved back his attention to the windows.

Hmmm... Okay, I got it. It still hurts.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N-ah. He's having a sore throat so he's saving his voice for the performance. It's not that he didn't want to answer you." Bobby quickly explained. I think he is afraid that I may get upset with Jinhwan's attitude.

Thanks for that, Bobby.

I gave him an understanding smile.


Jinhwan's POV

What the heck, Y/N?


Don't act all formal like that to me, and act another way to Hanbin.

I gave her a sideways look and shifted my attention back to the windows, pretending to look outside.

Yes, I'm feeling sick but I'm feeling even more jealous.

Then we got off from the car and we headed to the waiting room immediately.

The make-up artist and hairstylist immediately got to work while Y/N was running her errands, fetching things for the staffs.

I still can't believe we are this close to each other but we didn't talk much to each other.

I wanted to talk to her but the thought of Hanbin and her together prevented me to do so.

Also I don't know whether she's still angry with me over that incident. I was really harsh in the past.

When I had finished everything, the make-up, the hair and the outfit, I went over to the couch to take a short nap.

Damn, my throat hurts and I'm slowly feeling giddy as well.



After I helped the make-up artists to bring the cosmetics they wanted, my attention immediately moved over to the figure who was sitting on the couch taking a rest.

He looked pale. Oh no, he can't fall ill at this time!

"I'll go get something for a while." I said to one of the staffs as I rushed downstairs.

I took the elevator and exited the building.

I scanned around for any convenience shop nearby and luckily I spotted one.

But it was a little bit too far from here. It may take a 20 minutes walk from here, I calculated quickly.

I glanced at my watch, there was another one hour to iKON's performance so I could make it.

I started to jog to the conveniece shop and bought some Panadols and cold medicine for emergency uses.

Then I went over to the fridge and I spotted herbal tea.

Jinhwan has a sore throat, and I think his throat would feel better if he drinks this. Though it may not be of too much help to him.

I paid for the things and then I jogged back to the building.

When I opened the door, I was panting heavily as I walked slowly inside.

"Woah noona, have you been to a marathon just now?" Donghyuk chuckled and the hairstylist told him not to move as she was doing his hair.

I smiled and showed him the things I bought.

"Nah, I just went to buy some medicines."

I walked over to where Jinhwan was and sat beside him.

He gave me a weak glance as he continued to bury his head in his hands.

I pulled away his hands and I put a hand on his forehead.

It was scorching hot, for goodness sake!

"You have a fever! Here, have some medicine."

"No, I don't need it." He said adamantly as he pushed my hand away and continued to bury his face in his hands.

Damn, this boy is stubborn.

I reached for a water bottle on the table and opened it. I then fished the Panadol out from the plastic bag and I took one out.

I pulled his hand away harshly and stuck the pill into his mouth with force and shoved the water bottle to his mouth.

He didn't have that much strength to fight me so he just took over the water and drank it.

Played By FateWhere stories live. Discover now