♧A Kim Jinhwan fanfic♧
Y/N - a normal high schooler who lived in the rural area, in a moderate lifestyle with her grandma. Her life goal is to excel in her examinations, so that she can get the chance to further her studies in the big cities.
One da...
Finally, I will be taking my final examinations this afternoon. I have worked hard for it even though my broken heart has not been mended.
I had been heartbroken since that day Jinhwan left me.
But I brought it upon myself right? I had only myself to blame.
I have been wondering...
How is he doing now?
I miss him.
I wiped a tear that had just dropped from the corner of my eyes as I continued to do my final revision for the exam.
I will make it to the top list and I will be earning a place in the national university in Seoul. I thought to myself as I muttered 'fighting' to myself.
That's where he is at, right?
Jinhwan's POV
It has been a few months since I got back to iKON. As usual, we practiced whole day long and the good news is that, YG sajangnim has promised to let us debut this month and we already released a 'pre-single' on the 15th! At last finally our hard work had paid off!
I still remember that day when I got back to iKON, they came running to me and started to stick their bodies around me like huge magnets.
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They jumped happily as they told me how worried they were when I'm gone and how happy they are now that I'm back.
After knowing that I lost my memory, Hanbin and Junhoe questioned me about where I was during that time and I simply told them that some kind people took me in.
"No exciting experience there?" Bobby asked as he clung his arm on my shoulders.
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"You meet any new girls hyung?" Chanwoo asked as he wiggled his eyebrow.
"Yah maknae-ya! You're not supposed to ask such sensitive question." Yunhyeong smacked his head lightly.
"So did you meet any?" Yunhyeong asked me eagerly.
Look, they're the same. Yunhyeong-ah, just speak for yourself.
"Aniyo..." I chuckled and looked down slightly. Yeah, I lied. I just can't bear to mention her again after what she had done to me.
You may think that it's no big deal but to me, I see her action as adeceive.
Call me sensitive or whatever, I am really angry with her.
Maybe part of it is because I treat her as a very important person to me, that's why I get so angered when I knew that she hid something from me.
Maybe it was also because I felt bad for iKON. I went missing right when they needed me the most.
I guessed my guilt took over me and I let out my frustration on her.
However I did regret what I did back then. I didn't give her any chance to explain to me and I just left her.
I'm so cold-hearted, isn't it?
Still I am unable to lie to myself,
I miss her.
Our warm-up single that was released on the 15th was called "My Type" and I think I did quite well in the music video.
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I was able to do so because I was thinking about her and the wonderful memories we created in that short time of my life when I'm singing my part.
"Oh oh your delicate smile, Oh oh your eyes when you look at me, There is no flaw anywhere, There's no time to be bored, you're perfect."
Would it be too much of me to hope to see her again?