"Let's not be so hasty," amended Eleazar, "let's at least ask Tanya and Kate, they have been around for a thousand years apiece. Collectively, there are sixteen vampires with more than three thousand years of experience. We have other friends as well with whom we can consult. We can certainly gain some additional knowledge somehow."

"I agree."

"Agree with what?" asked Esme, coming into earshot. The trio heard Amelia giggling about something as they approached. They came into view and Carlisle could not help but smile at his daughter. Amelia was covered in mud. She had streaks of blood over her t-shirt and twigs in her hair.

"Fight with a bob cat?" he asked.

"Stupid stag," Amelia muttered under her breath, glaring at the ground in mock annoyance.

"She got into a fight with a stag while trying to drink from a doe," explained Esme. She exchanged glances with Amelia and the pair dissolved into giggles again.

"It's not even autumn! Mating season is months away!" added Amelia when they had recovered, "I must look dreadful. I could do with a shower."

"From the garden hosepipe, yes," interjected Esme.

"Can't I run through the sprinkler like I did as a kid?" Amelia jokingly pouted at her mom.

"You're sixteen years old, not two and a half. Please act your age," reprimanded Esme, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation, "I swear Emmett is rubbing off on you."


"Sammy!" was the only warning call that Samantha was given before Amelia barrelled into her arms, hugging her tightly. Esme had remained true to her word and hosed Amelia down before tossing a handful of towels at her. The newborn vampire had willingly escaped to the shower before joining the others.

"Hello Mia-bug," the tall blonde vampire grinned at her favourite patient, "it's so good to see you again."

"Likewise. It has been too long,"

"It has. Dr Anderson sends her condolences on your passing," she grinned, her golden eyes dancing with mirth, "I had to convince her not to board a plane to attend your funeral."

"Thank you," Amelia chuckled.

"And where is my hug?" a familiar sassy voice broke the tender moment.

"Hey Alair," greeted Amelia, hugging her other favourite nurse.

"You look good, sweets," complimented the dark-skinned nurse, "Being a vamp really looks awesome on you."

"Even the red eyes?" quipped Amelia, arching an eyebrow.

"That could do with some improvement, yes," amended Alair, poking her tongue out at Amelia. The pair laughed before Amelia was pulled into Emmett's arms.

"Squirt is back!" he boomed loudly, causing Amelia to grimace slightly.

"Must you bellow so, big guy?"

"My little sister is awake, alive and kicking. Well, dead and kicking. Ready for an arm wrestle?"

A resounding exclamation of "Emmett!" was heard. Rosalie smacked his head, before hugging Amelia as well. She was then passed to Carmen, Tanya and Garret.

"Stop!" called Eleazar as Amelia went to hug Alice. Amelia halted, panic written across her features.

"What is the matter?" asked Esme in confusion.

"Sorry Amelia, I did not mean to startle you. I think it best that Amelia not hug any more of the gifted family members here today," explained Garret.

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