"Jade!" she cries, and runs over to my side. I look over at Louis and he gives me a look saying I should pretend.

I smile slightly. "Hi Perrie."

"Oh Jade! I missed you so much!" she hugged me. I hugged back the best I could before she yanked out of my grip. "What was wrong with you when you woke up? You asked who I was. You know who I am now, don't you?"

I look over at Louis again and he nods. I slowly nod, turning back to Perrie, "Yes! Of course! You're Perrie! My girlfriend!" I say with a little bit too much enthusiasm. 

Perrie grins back with the same amount of enthusiasm. "Good!" and she leans down and presses a very hot, heated kiss to my lips. I hear Louis' not pleased groans but I ignore them. I've just gotta flow with it. Perrie pulls away and grabs my hand, stroking it with her thumb. "When will you be out of hospital?" she asks.

I shrug. "I don't know. They don't tell me anything here." She looks at me disaprovingly and then up at Louis. He bites his lip and then stands up.

"Um, Perrie? May I talk to you for a second?" he asks, leading her over to the corner where he spoke to the doctor. They talked quietly and Perrie lets out a huge gasp. She starts shaking her head.

"No. No no no no no," she says. "She can't!"

Louis shakes his head sadly and says something, too quietly for me to hear. 

"No Louis! She can't!" Perrie wails, grabbing Louis' shoulders and shaking them. Louis took her hands off his shoulders and spoke quietly again. Perrie nods and shuffles over to me. 

"So, it was an act. You don't really know me," she mumbles.

"I do!" I protest. "Your name is Perrie and you're my girlfriend."

"Anything else?" she whispers.

I look at Louis, pleadingly. He just shakes his head, sadly. 

Perrie sighs. "I knew it. I'll just go." She turns to leave.

"No Perrie! Stay! Please!" I shout.

Perrie just shakes her head and walks out of the door.

**Perrie's P.O.V.**

I hurry out of that room before the tears could start falling. She doesn't remember me. Louis just told her my name and my status. I hurry out of the hospital and hop in my car. Tears are straming down my face now. I let out a frustrated scream. I did this to her. If I had kept my mouth shut and not told Jesy and Leigh-Anne, then we wouldn't be in this mess. I would probably be at home, texting or skyping Jade while Zayn thinks I'm busy helping Mum. No one would know and no one would question us. Louis wouldn't be defensive of his best friend and he wouldn't of hurt Jade. Jade wouldn't be in that hospital and with amnesia. I start my car and drive home. Maybe it's not too late to start over. I unlock the door and run straight up to my room, leaving the front door open. Who cares. No one is gonna bother to come see me anyway. The whole school hates me now.

I dump my bag on my bed and grab my phone, walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I place my phone, beside the sink and look my hands on either side, looking into the mirror. I'm such a mess. Mascara tracks running down my face. Big black bags under my eyes from not sleeping. I'm a lot skinnier than before because I've hardly eaten in the last few days. My cheeks sunken in and my t-shirt hanging off me, like I'm wearing a t-shirt several sizes too big. Look at me. I look like a wreck. This is not the body of a cheerleader. This is not the body of a head girl. This is the body of a girl with problems. Serious problems. All for one girl who doesn't remember who I am. I pick up the glass that holds my toothbrush and throw it at my reflection. The glass shatters all over the sink and ground. I fall to my knees, sobbing, glass cutting my knees and legs. I don't care. Jade doesn't remember me. Light from outside, glints off a piece of glass, shining in my eyes and giving me an idea. Without thinking, I reach for the sharp blade of glass and bring it towards my wrist. I slice down on my wrist, blood droplets forming on my pale skin. That's for not being there for Jade. Tears form in my eyes. I bring it down again. That's for being a stupid weak bitch. More red blood stains my skin. The pain is unbearable and more tears come gushing out of my eyes, blurring my vision. I stand up slowly and turn on the tap, placing my bleeding wrist underneath it. The cold water stings the gashes as I watch the water turn red and run down the drain. I grab some bandages from the cabinet from under the sink and place them on my fresh cuts. Without looking at the mess on the ground, I walk out of the bathroom. So much for starting over. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in like, forever, but I hope this chapter makes up for it! And now it's the holidays so I can update lots! I really hope you guys are liking my story and also check out my other ones if you have time. 

Thank you so much! Vote. comment, follow! I love seeing what you guys think of my story.

Thanks again!

~ Holly xxx


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