Teenage Rebellions

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She frowned at him, "What do you mean I can't keep it? It's a gift. Mrs. Malfoy may be attempting to attach strings to it, but I know that and refuse to let them sway me."

"No, Hermione, it's not that. I can't explain now, but I can in a few years, when you're older. You just have to trust me."

His tired, scarred face was staring at her earnestly as he clutched the picture of the cup in his hand. She wanted to give in and promise not to ask, but she had to know. Even though she trusted him with her life, something told her knowing why was terribly important.

"Uncle Remus, tell me. I do trust you, but I won't ask for the cup if you don't tell me why I have to give it up."


She crossed her arms and set her jaw, "Tell me."

He sighed, he knew just how stubborn she could be. "Follow me."

He stood up and cast a patronus. Hermione watched the wolf bound off before following him out of his office. The two of them walked without speaking until they reached the gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster's office. The photo was clenched quite tightly in his fist the entire time.

At the top of the stairs he rapped sharply on the door, and almost instantly the door swung open of its own accord. She could only assume the Headmaster had some method of identifying those that knocked.

Professor Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, which was covered with parchment. Hermione caught the words on a few before he tidied them up. Something about a court case, a house elf, and murder.

She couldn't imagine how a house elf was involved in a murder, unless it was foiling one. The poor creatures couldn't even fathom hurting their masters. Even when being tortured and abused. It rather sickened her, and it was one of the things on her ever growing list to deal with. But for now, she had other problems. Tackling the house elf issue would have to wait until she had some political power.

"Remus, Miss Black, what brings you to my office this afternoon?"

Uncle Remus said nothing, merely handing the Headmaster the photograph. Hermione hadn't thought that anything could surprise the great Albus Dumbledore, but the expression on his face as he looked at the picture was indubitably one of surprise.

"And how did you come by this most extraordinary photograph?"

"It was offered to me as a gift, sir." She pulled out the note and handed it over.

Professor Dumbledore's lips twitched a bit as he read it. From his response she assumed he knew about Narcissa Malfoy's plans to marry her to Malfoy heir. Why had Padfoot told the Headmaster, but not her? Was he worried she would be upset? Granted, she HAD been upset, but that was no reason to keep secrets.

"A generous offer," he stated, handing the note back to Hermione. "Would you two be seated? I assume there is more to be said?"

"I asked that Hermione request the cup. I also told her that we would be unable to let her keep it. She demanded to know why," Uncle Remus explained, taking a seat in one of the comfortable chairs positioned in front of the desk.

Hermione joined him, being sure to arrange her robes so they wouldn't wrinkle overly much. She didn't want to give Parkinson or Malfoy any ammunition if they encountered each other later.

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