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( edit - okay so I totally messed up because I'm dumb and didn't realise that there was another book on here like this already. I'm sorry to the author and next time I'll make sure I don't do something as stupid. Book credits goes completely to @greyedges for their fantastic idea.)

hello hi!

I'm starting this book with absolutely no idea of what I'm about to actually do, all I know is that there will be Scorbus all throughout this. 

So basically, this is just a place where I post what I think Scorbus would be like on social media, (mostly instagram and twitter)

it'll also include the follow characters: rose, hugo, james, lily and teddy, victoire, roxanne and a few oc's okay cool.

ships include: scorpius x albus severus, rose x oc, teddy x james.

okay, i think that is all for the moment, 

enjoy my first harry potter themed book! :~)

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