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- Bell -

Pretty soon everyone was in the pool slashing each other around. 

"Oppa! Come back here! You can't splash me and get away with it!" I screamed swimming towards JB Oppa. 

"You can splash me if you can catch me, slow poke!" He responded back laughing. 

(After the pool) 

"Mina wanna go and get washed... I'm tired. And we need our rest for tomorrow!" I said to Mina heading inside.

"Yeah sure! I'm tired as well." She responded.

"Goodnight oppas!" I shouted before heading completely in the house.

"Goodnight Bell!" They responded.

We headed up the stairs into my room and got into bed. 

(In Bed)

- JB -

After I saw the lights shut off I headed into Bell's room and went over to her and kissed her forehead. 

"Goodnight Bell, love you." 

"Oppa, thanks for everything. Love you too." she whispered and motioned her arms for a hug. I bent down and hugged her. 

We let go and I left her room. I'm glad I found her that night, or else.... something bad would have happened to her. 


"Goodnight Eomma!" I shouted towards the living room. 

"Night Jae. Sweet dreams" Eomma responded 

I went into my room and walked over to my window and opened it up. As I was about to walk away I saw a car come speeding down my street. It abruptly stopped. The driver came out of his side and opened the passengers door and ripped a little from the inside of the car and threw her on the ground. 

"NEVER COME BACK! YOU HEAR ME! YOU'RE WORTHLESS, YOU ARE A MISTAKE! WE DON'T WANT YOU!" the man screamed at the little girl. She was in tears, she kept crawling back towards the car. Silently I was wishing she would just leave them and turn and leave. But she didn't she crawled back. The man kicked her to the curb and she flew back. He ran over to the drivers side of the car and got in the car and slammed the door shut and left. 

I ran downstairs and went to her aid. I took one look at her, she was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Come with me." She just nodded.

I helped her up and picked her up and carried her inside. 

I kicked open the door and shouted for my mom, "Eomma! Come quick!"

"Jae, you were in bed what happ- Oh my, Jae, who is this?" She said quickly.

"Some guy was beating her outside, and it looks like she has no family now. Can she be apart of ours?" I said looking at my mom then at the girl in my arms.

"Of course she can Jae, here, bring her to the couch."  I walked over to the living room and placed her on the couch. 

"Alright, go upstairs and get the medicine kit in the bathroom." 

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and found the kit and ran back downstairs.

I saw my mom talking to the girl so I just stayed quiet and gave her the kit.

"Sweetie, what is your name?"

"Isabelle" the girl said softly

"Okay Isabelle, I'm gonna take care of you okay? I'm going to clean your cuts and make you all better."

"Thank you"

(Couple weeks after)

"Jae! Help!" I heard my name in the hall. Its Bell! She's in trouble. I ran down the school halls and found her being surrounded by some of the bullies. 

"You're not even his sister, he doesn't even like you!" The leader said and laughed.

"Yes he does! He's my brother and I love him! You can't say that!" 

"Oh yeah? Or what? He's gonna come to the rescue and save you? I don't thin-"

"Lay one hand on her and you're gonna lose that hand." I said.

"Jae!" Bell cried out.

"Oppa... we didn't see you there.." The leader said white as a ghost. 

"Of course you didn't, now scram before I beat you all up for hurting my sister." I said walking towards Bell.

"Ne Oppa" They all bowed and left.

"Jae, I'm sorry I couldn't stick up for myself..." Bell said crying.

"Shhh, Bell, its okay. I'm here now, lets go home." I said wrapping my arm around her. 


All of GOT7 was in the living room, cause I called a meeting together.

"Alright, I heard that the both of them are going to the mall tomorrow. So who wants to come with me. I'm gonna watch them.... from a distance, just in case she needs anything." I said to my members.

"So you're going to stalk her?" Junior said.

"No, watch from a distance." I responded looking at him.

"Like a spy!" BamBam said.

"ugh..." I said rubbing my temples

"We will all come! I need some new snap backs anyways" Jackson said.

"Cool! Alright kids, go get some sleep! Tomorrow is a busy day!"


Here is chapter 2 for everyone 

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! 

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My Brothers are GOT7حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن