An addition to the Family

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Thank you Jess!!! 

  I smiled to myself as I looked at the tester in front of me. Positive. Honestly, I've only ever been this happy when I married Scott, and didn't think it was even possible to feel this way again. Yet, I find myself nearly jumping out of the bathroom and into Scott's and My bedroom.

I held the tester firmly in my grip, and nearly skipped to the room. When I opened it and was about to hurl myself on Scott, I found the bed empty. Slightly annoyed, I sighed to myself and walked downstairs.

I got into the kitchen, and saw a note written on the table.

Morning Em,

I was called to see my Grandmother this morning and couldn't avoid it,
Will be home soon.
Love you,
Scott xx

I pouted to myself and held up the note. "Silly Scott." Well. He's the one missing out.

I pulled a stool out from the table and sat down, picking up a banana in the process to have for breakfast. After staring at the banana for a while, I frowned and put it back in the bowl. I don't want a banana. I want Scott.

I turned around and saw the photo of us together, our wedding day. I found myself staring at Scott in the photo, and realised that I was now scowling. My eyes, still interlocked with the image of Scott, even after five minutes.

After having a mental argument with myself, I finally concluded that I would go see Scott. This was a big deal anyway. Sean drove me to the palace and I nearly jumped out of the car when I got there. After Sean smiled at me, he got into the car and left. I turned back to face the palace and took a deal breath.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I walked in the palace halls. Finding Scott here would be impossible, so I at least want to have a remote clue of his whereabouts. I found Scott's contact, and pressed call.

After a few moments, he picked up the phone with a tired voice. "Em?"

I smiled a little to myself as I heard his voice for the first time this morning. "Hey, where are you in the palace?"

Scott paused for a moment across the phone, but then answered my question. "I'm in the main hall right now, why?"

"I'm coming over, I'll be there in a minute! bye, love you!!"

I hung up the phone before Scott could respond, and turned to the direction towards the main hall, a cheesy smile plastered on my face. I would find him as soon as possible, and tell him the amazing news.

After a few more minutes of walking, I spotted Scott waiting outside the main hall, smiling when he saw me. "Morning Em."

I grinned from ear to ear and pulled him into a huge hug. "Morning. I missed you earlier."

I heard a muffled chuckle escape his mouth. "Well, I'm glad you missed me. Em, I have to go somewhere with my Grandmother, but I'll be home soon. So for now, I'll see you in a bit, love you."

I sighed when Scott said that. "But I need to talk about something important to you!"

Scott ruffled my hair. "Tell me later, okay?"

He walked away with a bodyguard, leaving me feeling defeated. How long will it take for me to tell Scott!? I left the palace, and Sean drove me home once again. When I got into my room, I collapsed on the bed, and fell asleep.

I felt an annoying nudge on me, and rolled up into a sitting position. I saw Scott's face close to mine. He was smirking. "You okay sleepy head?"

I yawned and gave him a hug. "What time is it?"

Scott hugged me back and patted me on the head. "It's 8, sorry I was so late. What did you want to tell me earlier?"

I smiled and looked into his eyes. "It's something really cool."

"What is it Em?"



"Your going to be a Dad."

Scott's eyes widened and he jumped off of the bed. His gaze lowered to my stomach. "Really?"

I nodded happily, and Scott picked me up, spinning and looking like he was near to tears. When he finally stopped, he looked deep into my eyes. "I love you so much Em, and I can't wait to go through this next stage of life with you."

I wiped away a tear from his eye. "As do I Scott. I love you so much."  

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