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Hello again my amazing readers!!! Welcome to The Friend! So, we're gonna do the same as in The Maid, go over some things that I want you guys to know, all that blah blah blah. Anyways...
1. Chandlers still not famous.
2. Don't hate
3. Mature language as always.
4. You cannot copy this story under any circumstances. This was all from my mind. Don't. Copy.
5. God bless theinternetisgreat  for making another kick ass cover. Go follow her my people because she's the bomb.
6. I'll try to update as much as possible, probably gonna manage two updates a week.
7. Uhmmmmmmmm
8. Idk what else to put here so HERES THE CHAPTER THAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.
I slowly pull my suitcase out from under Grayson's bed.

My goal right now is to not wake him up. If I do, the plan will be ruined. I grab the notes I previously wrote and lay the one to Grayson on his chest, so he'll find it in the morning.

"See you later, Grayson" I brush some hair out of his face and quietly tiptoe out of his room.

Next is Chandler.

I lay my suitcase outside his room and walk in with my notes. There he is, sleeping peacefully with Sophie in his arms. He has a small smile on his face. Maybe Sophie is the one, since I'm clearly not.

I fold up the notes and place one on Chandlers chest, and the one for Sophie on her face. I remember exactly what I wrote on their notes.

For Chandler: Chandler, You said you loved me, then moved on. I hope Sophie knows how fast you bounce back, or else she's in for a wild ride. I'll never forgive you. ~Guess who you asshole.

And for Sophie: Go die in a fucking hole.

After taking a good look at them sleeping together, I sigh and walk out of the room, going to Gina and Will's bedroom. I place my notes on their chest and walk back out, noticing it's finally time.

"Please be here" I whisper to myself, going back into my room and opening up my window.

I put one leg through and look out, seeing a figure in the distance. My arms flag him over and I smile, tossing my suitcase at him.

I hop through the window and close it, jumping down on the ground and landing on my hands and knees with a very loud, and hard, thud.

Cole comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey" he whispers, kissing my forehead.

"Hi" I smile at him.

"Ok, so I have about five hundred bucks in my pocket and seven bus passes. Also, a friend who can let us stay at his place for as long as we want. His house is about a half hour drive from here" Cole explains.

"You're the best!" I whisper.

"Let's start walking."

We walk down the road until we reach the nearest bus stop, which was about a twenty minute walk. We get on the bus and I lay my head on Cole's shoulder as the bus starts driving.

It was only us two and three more people on the bus. About a half hour later, it was our stop.

"Come on" Cole shakes my shoulder, sending me out of my daze.

I get up and grab Coles hand, and we walk out together. This looked like a decent neighbourhood. There were nice houses along the road, only a few apartments.

"Ok, here's his house. He said that he'd be waiting for us to come" Cole says, walking up to one of the nicest houses on the street.

"Holy crap, you've got some rich friends" I breath out, taking a big look at the house.

"Yea, well before I was sent to the orphanage, I had a big house, awesome family. Typical family and all that" He says.

I nod and we step up to the front porch, Cole ringing the doorbell. A guy, looking about a few years older than us opens the door, and pulls Cole in for a hug.

"It took you long enough!" He says, and then turns towards me.

"Why hello there. You must be Leah, Cole never shuts up about you" The guy says and laughs.

I look over at Cole, and even in the dark I could see his face was as red as a tomato.

"Yeah, nice to meet you" I smile and shake his hand.

"Well, come in! I hope you guys aren't hungry, because I don't have anything ready. Oh, by the way, I'm Austin" He turns towards me.

I nod at Austin and he leads us down a hallway that had three bedrooms.

"So, uh, you guys can share a room or just take separate rooms" Austin says.

I could tell he was really uncomfortable with this.

"We'll just take two separate rooms" Cole says and looks over at me, where I nod in approval.

"Ok, well, see you guys in the morning" Austin waves and makes his way down to his room.

"Night Cole" I whisper and give him a hug.

"Night Leah" he whispers back and we go our separate ways.

I walk into my room and close the door behind me.

"Holy crap" I mumble, walking around the room.

It was such a pretty room! Well, at least for me, since I've only had about three bedrooms in my life.

I open up my suitcase and pull out a pair of pyjamas. I change into them and hop into bed, staring at the ceiling for a while until I doze off for the night.

I hope this turns out ok.

Oooooooooooo snap
So, that's the first chapter!!!! What did you guys think?
First few chapters are gonna be short, just an FYI.
Word count: 995
Predictions for next chapter?
Fav part of this chapter?
Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and follow!
Bye fellow humans!

The Friend *C.R.* (Sequel to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now