"Hey guys ready for a party?" I say to Jimmy and rose while setting Olivia down so she can crawl around

"Yeah so how you guys doing?" Rose ask as the kids go sit in front of the tv

" well we got Olivia's first and second words on camera" I say smiling

"That's great" Jimmy says and I nod showing them the videos

"Yeah I was so proud" Liz says "I just hope we get her first steps on camera"

"Well later today Caleb's got something personalized for Olivia when we were buying her present and you might want to catch it on camera" Jimmy says smiling thinking what Caleb got Olivia I smile just thinking about how attached they are and how they will be when they are both older

2 hours later

After lots of talking and eating it's finally time for cake we sing to her and she blows out the light with a little help and we cut the cake and let Olivia have a small slice where she picks it up and tries eating it but misses her mouth a lot I got that on camera after we are finished I clean her up and walk into the living rooms do sit her on the ground next to Liz so I can record her opening her presents

"Olivia are you ready to open presents?" Liz asks her

"Mama" she says smiling

Jimmy hands Liz a present from us and she opens it not really caring about the unwrapping of the present she only cares about what's inside when Jimmy hands her the present from them I see it's a play center so she can sit in it and turn around to play with the toys connected all around it she just smiles and laughs now it's time for Caleb's present and he hands it to her the box is about as big as her but when she opens it there is a purple bear with 'livvy' on it she hugs it

"It says your name livvy" Caleb says to her about a foot away from her she picks it up and hugs the bear to her as she pulls on the couch to stand up on her feet which she's been doing a lot but would normally just fall back on her butt this time it was different she takes sloppy steps to Caleb with the bear in her hand

"Taleb" she says his name wrong but its super cute considering it's only her third word as she says his name she grabs his fingers about to fall and Liz goes to grab her but Caleb holds her up hugging her which is super cute since she have a big purple bear in her left arm as big as her and Caleb being a whole head taller than her with her gripping his right hand with hers for dear life I stop the video and take a picture them

"Oh my god her first steps and third word" Liz says " did you get that on camera" I nod grinning

"Aww that's so sweet" rose says staring at the kids when Caleb loosens his grip on Olivia she plops to her butt and he sits next to her smiling at her

"I can't believe all it took to get her to walk was Caleb and that purple bear" Jimmy says laughing and we all nod surprised but happy

1 hour later

After opening all the presents with Olivia we put the kids in front of the tv and the adults just talked about anything and everything mainly about their company and all the new products they got for their electronic store. I looked at the kids all sleeping but what I saw was Caleb sleeping in the middle of Annie and Olivia with Olivia on his right and Annie on his left and they are using Caleb's arms as pillow as he pulls them close to his chest with Olivia holding onto the bear I thin see Emily and Joshua sleeping next to each other sharing a blanket

"Look at the kids" I say to Liz, Rose and Jimmy going to take a picture of Caleb and the girls and then Emily and Joshua

"aww they are so cute" Liz says

2 hours later

It's 8:00pm and Jimmy and rose are getting their kids ready to go I pick up Olivia after Caleb gives her a hug and kisses her cheek

"Taleb" she mumbles

"Bye livvy" he says to her and I smile he's a good kid

I hand Liz Olivia to take upstairs to put to bed so I can clean up and walk the walkers out

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say to them smiling

"See ya" they say I close the door and start cleaning up after I cleaned everything up I went upstairs and climbed in bed with Liz

"I can't believe she walked today and we caught it on camera and I can't believe her third word was Taleb" she says smiling I nod surprised Caleb was the one to make her walk I knew that she was attached to him but didn't think she would walk to him

"Me too" I say

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say and we fall asleep

thank you so much for reading there will be more chapters on their baby years then I swear I will start writing at there real age thanks everlark2000

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