Chapter 32: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

There was no one left to save us.

"Gentleman, gentlemen!" A voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar called, gathering the attention of every pirate around me, "Make way for the young lady, won't you?"

The crowd of burly men in front of me parted in two, leaving a clear pathway to the person who had given the instruction. When he strolled toward us, the sight of him chilled me more than the snow.

"So this is the lass that my son is so infatuated with. My my, Arthur, I can see why you like her."

Peter confidently sauntered down the pathway towards me, a measure in his step, except the person approaching me was not Peter.

Instead of his usual garb of green leaves and tattered fabric, he wore something quit similar to Arthur. A black shirt neatly tucked into white breeches, a shiny pair of boots that clicked uncomfortably loud, a velvet red coat that dragged on the deck, and to top it off, a matching red hat complete with a ridiculously large feather. His shirt had glistening, silver cuffs at the wrist that shimmered as he reached up to tilt his hat out of his face. From far away, he looked different enough, but up close I was able to see the thing that startled me the most.

His eyes were pitch black, with the slightest hint of red right at the center. And as he stopped a foot in front of me, those menacing black eyes swept over me appraisingly.

"Strong stance, serious demeanor, ferocity in her eyes." Hook rubbed his chin and smirked approvingly, "She's quite like you in those respects, son."

I subconsciously pulled the leather jacket tighter around myself, uncomfortable with his wandering gaze, and he laughed.
"Oh, my dear, I meant it only in the best of ways. It takes a resilient lass to put up with my boy. Perhaps you'll finally be the one to do it."

"If you'll allow me," Arthur calmly gestured, even though I could see his eyes seething with rage, "This is my Fath-"
"Captain James Hook." Hook interrupted, taking off his hat and crossing it over his chest as he bowed, "At your service."
I cleared my throat and snapped into the moment, quickly dipping into a courtesy, "A pleasure, sir."
"Not at all, my dear." He finished, returning the hat to his head, "The pleasure is all mine. You must be Ophelia Darling."

Hook held out his hand and I cautiously put mine in it, keeping a straight face as he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

My gaze flickered over to Wendy and the bewildered expression on her face. She looked between Hook and I and shook her head, trying to warn me.

"What a beauty you are." Hook smiled, cold as ice, "But to see you dressed in these drab clothes pains me, my dear. I'm sure I have a more fitting dress in my cabin. One that will suit you so much better. Samuel, go fetch it for me."
"Uh, no." I stopped him, Samuel freezing, "Thank you, Captain, but I prefer what I already have on. A dress isn't suiting for the lifestyle I wish to pursue, you see."
Hook's eyebrow raised questioningly, "And what lifestyle would that be?"
I quickly glanced at Arthur, standing beside his Father, and tried to seem more assertive, "Piracy, sir."

The boys stirred again and shouted into their gags. I flinched at their objections but hid it with a shiver, brushing snowflakes from my shoulders.

Hook jutted out his lip, almost impressed, but still skeptical. "How can you possibly know what you want? You're not yet a woman, though I can see you're well on your way to becoming one."

I held my chin higher and looked at him steadily. "You insult me, sir. Can a girl not know what she wants before she is fully grown? Does that stop her from being capable of making grownup decisions?"

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