Requests!- [OPEN]

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Alrighty then, this is simple enough. This is the request chapter, where I'll keep the requests here any only here. I will NOT accept requests beyond this chapter due to them getting either forgotten or possibly even lost. I like to keep things organized, and I go crazy when everything isn't sorted out.

Feel free to request ANYTHING. I will take your request as long as it's not anything too suggestive, like porn. I'll try and keep this PG-13, so.. no sin please. Trust me, it's for your own good.

I'll mostly draw things from South Park, Undertale, Mlp, or other things that I normally draw a lot in my free time. Requests will really help me step out of the box, so I don't limit myself to just one boring thing over and over again.

Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope you all enjoy!


I have decided I can take in free OC designs, for those who are having trouble designing or drawing their characters. I will just need the basics of the character,

-Name; Personality; and any specific details you would like.-

I will take any genre or fandom your OC is in, so don't be shy if you want me to help out with your character designs.

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