The Lincoln Prefect

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Kane ran out of the room swearing, having seen Kurt on the verge of a panic attack and immediately felt a surge of helplessness. Where the heck was Blaine?! Retreating down the right corridor was Harrison and Kane could hear the low chuckle that was escaping the other boy's lips. Angrily, he made a mental note to report him later but, right now, he had to get help. A bang from upstairs lead the boy to the second floor and Kane hoped desperately that Blaine, or someone who knew where he was, had made it.

He had been wanting to apologize to Kurt since he had wrongly accused him of trying to ruin their kitchen. He should've that he wasn't though if he'd paused for even a moment. The first reason was because he had never seen Kurt before so he'd have to new, and what new kid wanted to get in trouble during their first days at new school? Especially one as prestigious as Dalton. Plus, there was also the fact that the gremlins were hanging around with him- they always work alone and prefer not to associate their pranks with others unless it's against them so it should have been a massive giveaway when he saw them with him. Really, if he had taken all of the facts into account, Kane would never have had Kurt afraid of him so he could've helped the other boy instead of running. Hell, he probably wouldn't have even got a punched stomach.

"Blaine? Blaine!"

He sprinted around the corner, nearly slipping on the unusually wet floor but he didn't care for that at that precise moment of time. At least, he didn't until he fell head over heels into a puddle, pulling another boy down with him as he struggled to regain his balance.

"What the- Kane?"

"Fors, quick, have you seen Blaine?"

The undisguised fear in Kane's voice made the twin answer without a moment of questioning; it was clear that something was wrong.

"Yeah, yeah he's just round the corner helping Theo get the last of the Lincolns out. Should I go get him?" But Kane had already disappeared.

"What?! Where is he?" Blaine asked desperately as the gremlins shared a look- again? That definitely couldn't be healthy. Kane had found Blaine seconds after he first crashed into Fors, the twin following him around the corner and trying to find out why he was so anxious and borderline hysterical. When he had found him, Kane had instantly told the shorter boy what had happened and quickly a serious expression fell over the usually cheerful one.


"Should we go get a teacher..?" The twins asked, watching as Blaine turned to run down the stairs.

"Crap, yeah. No. Maybe? If he wakes up and there's somebody right by him he doesn't know, he might freak and do it again..."

"So what should we do?"

"I don't know! I need to go find Kurt," and with that, barely touching the floor for more than a second as he ran, he dashed away. Why had he even left Kurt alone in the first place? He should've been smarter; he should've stayed.


The doors to the room the boy was in already had it's doors open as he walked in, having managed to calm himself down slightly as if someone else is panicking when you have a panic attack, it only makes things worse. He hadn't been there for more than a second when he spotted the fragile teen curled in a tight ball, he was still unconscious but wincing heavily as if someone was hurting him. But there was nobody else in the room. Quietly, he walked over to Kurt and bent down beside him- he had failed his promise, Kurt hadn't been safe alone.

The teenager beside him seemed to had aged greatly whilst Blaine had been away, although the warbler knew this was impossible. Kurt's hair was now messy and untamed with small beads of sweat forming at the hairline. His body was tenser than usual as if he was trying to fight but the thuds of air which were seemingly being knocked out of him told Blaine the boy was failing. But what scared him the most was the way Kurt's face had been scrunched into a constant looking of twisted pain, Blaine had to fight back tears seeing this. Was this the hurt Kurt really felt under the mask he wore? If so, Blaine was amazed how he had the power to get up in the mornings; he was amazed he was even still alive.

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