ChapteR 6

61 2 1

The next morning I woke up

with a banging headache. I

stretched, stood up and to my

surprise with only a sports bra on.

Now, I know what happened last

night but damn ! I quickly

gathered my clothes and rushed to

the bathroom to clean myself up.

I finished up and walked

into Janet's room where she,

Hassan, and Trey were eating breakfast.

"Morning sissy!" Janet said with

a smile and a mouth full of food.

"Morning love!"

I looked over to Trey and Hassan

and gave them a dry wave, jus like

niggas they gave me a nod. She

got up and we walked into the

living-room so we can have a little

more privacy.

"Want some breakfast? & how was

yourrrrr night? Hmm."

I laughed a little and replied

"Naw I'm good, and my night was

umm interesting... I was just

about to head home I have so

much to do. Thank you for the

party sis I really appreciate it." I

said while leaning in for a hug.

"You're welcome, I can't believe

you are actually leaving me omg!

You better come back to visit"

"Of course, I mean why wouldn't

I? Don't be silly and get that look

off your face don't be sad."

"I'm not making any promises,but

ok call me when you get home

and tell me allll about your

"interesting night" ok? Oh and

come by before you head out


"Will do, ill call you in a bit."

We gave each other a long hug

and I was out the door. I drove

home in silence trying to recollect

everything that's happening.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrive

home, fell into my bed and placed

my phone on the charger before

texting my best bitch.


Me: Bestfrannnnnn

Best Bitch: what bitch?

Me: Don't be like that hoe, come

help me pack pleaseeeeee!

Best Bitch: uh no, I'm not about

to help you leave me.

Me: 😒

Best Bitch: okay fine I'm omw

have the door open cause' I'm not

waiting for your black ass.

Me: fuck you girl just hurry up.


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