A Crash of Thunder

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A Crash of Thunder

It was raining by the time they reached Hogsmeade and the boys scrambled to get into one of the carts without getting completely soaked, Bubo shrieking from within her cage as they ran. Sirius sang boisterously, some silly little song whose lyrics didn't make sense as the wheels of the carriage crunched and shook over the gravel road that led through the gates and trees to the front doors of Hogwarts castle.

"In the town where I was born
There lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the laaaand of submarines...
So we saiiiiled up to the sun
Til we found the sea of green
And we livvvved beneath the waves
In our yellllllow submarrrine!

James stood, pointing out the window into the darkness, "FULL SPEED AHEAD MR. BOATSWAIN!" he shouted.

"Full speed it is, Sergeant!" Sirius laughed.

Peter and Remus shared looks of confusion.

Professor McGonagall met them at the foot of the steps with a great big umbrella and they ran to the castle door with her. "Thanks, Professor!" said Peter.

"You're very welcome, Mr. Pettigrew," she replied, hurrying back to assist the next carriage of students to the castle doors.

The warmth of the Great Hall was most welcoming compared to the chill of the wet night outside, and James flapped his robes about him as though to collect the heat in as they crossed the entrance hall. It smelled fantastic, the house elves cooking making all four boys mouths water as they bound over to the table of Gryffindors together. It was strangely quiet around the table, despite the fact that everyone there seemed to be in conversation, and it took James a moment to realize the reason why. It was because there was no shouting over the rest of the din from Bilius Weasley - something had become a bit of a standard for the table. Of course, Bilius and Derek wouldn't have been there this year anyway - even if nothing had happened - but it still felt as though something had been ripped away... The missing seventh years was something that would take getting used to.

Frank Longbottom greeted them excitedly, "Hey you lot!" he said.

"Hey!" Sirius said, waving to Frank, "How was your summer?"

"Oh you know, it was alright. How was yours?"

Sirius grinned, "I have a better understanding of the phrase the dog days of summer."

James choked on a laugh and Peter turned, grinning down at his seat, as Remus rolled his eyes.

Frank didn't have time to respond, luckily, as Lily Evans sat down beside him, "What are you lot snickering about already?" she asked, "Can't even last a 'til the end of the feast before you start getting into it can you?"

James grinned at her, "We aren't really getting into it - we never fully left it, did we?" He winked.

Remus injected, "It's true, I'm fairly certain James and Sirius live in a perpetual stage of it."

"Yeah that's true," Lily laughed. She turned to Frank, "How are you? How's your mum?"

"She's good," Frank nodded.

"You know his mum?" James demanded in surprise, "Why do you know his mum? Are you lot going out?"

"Going out? What?" Lily asked as Frank's face reddened. "No, you nosy thing. I bumped into Frank and his mum at Diagon Alley shopping for school, don't be a prat. Mind your own business."

James shrugged, "I was only curious."

"Did she get the hat she was looking at?" Lily asked, turning back to Frank as though James hadn't spoken.

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