23. Colors & Promises

Começar do início

"Always I know

You'll be at my show

Watching, waiting, commiserating

Say it ain't so,

I will not go,

Turn the lights off,

Carry me home.


We both sing out the words, the windows to her car all rolled down so the entire city of San Diego can hear us singing horribly to our favorite song.

When we arrived I was dying of laughter from all the old songs the radio station was playing that we got to sing to, it felt good to act crazy with my best friend after so long.

We got down from the car and walked over to where people were seated, immediately I recognized everyone, all my friends including Sarah, Alex, Tori and David, other band members that I've grown to know over the years.

"Is this like a band reunion or something?" I ask Spencer.

She laughs at this, "I guess all the bands got the memo that A Walk to Remember was playing tonight."

As we walked over to where the girls sat I ran into my brother and parents, my dad holding Lilah securely in his arms.

"Hey dad." I say with confusion.

"Hey honey!" He says equally surprised.

"We thought we'd come see the movie too." He says as I reach for Lilah, taking her in my arms then place kisses all over her face.

I give Veronica and my brother a hug, then take Lilah with me to the front where the girls sat after, of course, saying hi to all my friends that came which was weird at first but apparently everyone here likes this movie just as much as I do.

The guys came in last Tony walking up first followed by Mike and Vic, each giving me a hug then sat down next to their girlfriends, I quickly leaned over to Tony who had a smile on his face as he looked at Joyce who was playing with Spencer's fingers, "Where's Jaime?"

"Oh he said he was going home to change really quick then come here, he might be a bit late." He answers.

I nod my head in agreement then lay out the blanket Spencer brought, placing Lilah on it with one of her toys my parent's brought with them, Spencer doing the same afterwards. Lilah and Joyce got along so well, we know they'll grow to be best friends forever.

Once the sun was done going down the projector turned on and displayed the words 'Thank you for coming' on the white cloth that was hung on the brick wall behind it.

The video started with an old fashioned video countdown of five, four, three, two, one before a guy showed up on the screen, he wore a black shirt with a cut off jean jacket, a piercing on this bottom lip and his brown hair styled nicely to the side.

"Hey guys this is Nick from Alternative Press, and I have an exclusive interview with the bassist of Pierce the Veil, Jaime Preciado. I'm going to be asking him a series of never before asked questions and I hope you all like it. So without further ado here we go."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion then look around to my friends to see if they're just as confused as I am, all of them watching the video like this was totally normal.

"So Jaime, we all know you're a father, tell us what that's like." Nick asks.

"It's so surreal to me at times, as soon as I found out I was ready to meet her, and when Arianna brought her to me I felt the connection between us, she has my eyes and my dimples," I laugh as he pokes at his own dimples.

You Were Always The One (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book Two*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora