Night changes

Começar do início

so, can you do me a favor and comment on this A/N? just comment your name or anything you want to write- any suggestion, anything you liked or disliked, your reviews, anything.

I just want to know the people who support me. Can I have it?

I love you all!

CONTINUE *smiles sheepishly*


"I am ready. I am ready. Gee wait for a second!"

No, I didn't say that.

Guess who did?

Neal did.

The guy seriously takes more time than me to get ready.

He finally walked downstairs and graced us with his presence.

"Anything left to do or we are free to go?" Ryder deadpanned.


"Shut up!" three of us yelled at him and he immediately obliged. I took his hand and tugged him towards his car.

Ryder and Liz planned a double date with us and I was more than excited to spend time with them as I rarely got a chance.

"Where are we going?"

I asked Neal while playing with the charm bracelet Liam gave me. He shared a look with Ryder and smirked.

"Laser tag." Both Liz and I beamed.

This will be fun.


I ducked behind the barrel and slowly lifted my eyes to look out for rival team.

"Clear. Let's go." I whispered to Neal and he nodded before tugging me with my hand. I pointed my gun in both direction to look for enemies.

"Duck, pumpkin!" Neal yelled and I immediately crouched down. Aiming my gun towards the red team, I pressed the trigger. I knew Neal was hit.

Phew phew phew.

The light on their vest went off and they groaned. I turned to hi five Neal but another serious of gun noises resounded before the light on my vest turned off for 10 seconds. I took this as a cue to find an advantage point.

Taking Neal's hand, I tugged him through the dark mazes of war zone. I climbed on a higher platform and my vest turned on again.

Neal and I started shooting like mad man after that, hoping that rest of our team members will succeed in infiltrating their base.

After a while, I got hit again. But at that moment, the lights turned on and I winced at the sudden brightness.

We lost.

Liz and Ryder's team won.

Both Neal and I were sore losers and hence we were in a sour mood watching Liz and Ryder dance around in victory.

"I think we should leave. It's getting dark." Neal announced and Ryder nodded along with Liz.

"Okay, see you soon."

I smiled and nodded before Neal tugged my hand and dragged me towards his car. He was about to open the passenger door for me when his phone rang. Furrowing his eyebrows, he answered his call.


His smile immediately dropped and he froze. My eyebrows knitted.

"H-how? Yeah. I-I will be t-there as soon a-as I-I can!"

He hung up and looked at me in horror. I place my hand on him arm.

"Neal? I-Is everything a-alright?"

"My b-brother. H-he fell. H-He is in h-hospital."

I paled. I absolutely hate it when people have to bear this.

"I-I need to go!" he rounded the car and sat in the driving seat. I opened the passenger door too.

"I am coming with you."

"N-No!" I stopped and frowned. "A-Astrid, I will drop y-you home but I won't let y-you c-come there."


"No, Astrid. Get in. I-I don't have t-time hospital and your h-house are in opposite d-direction."

I shook my head.

"I-If that's the c-case then go. I will manage to go home."


"Go, Neal." I firmly ordered and banged the door close.

He hesitantly nodded and drove away. I stood there for a minute before I turned and tightened my coat. Taking fast step towards the exit, I slid my new phone and scrolled through contacts for my brothers.

But I never got to call them.

City of Blind ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora