Wonderful News- Chapter 18

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            “Well I want a sweet little boy with shiny platinum hair and blue eyes like his father,” she said hugging him.

            “Boy or girl, I don't care, I just want them to be healthy, happy,  and kind and good just like their mother,” he said softly.

            “Draco, you are kind and good,” Aris argued.

            “No, I'm not,” he said sadly, “if I were I wouldn't be in the trouble I'm in right now, and you wouldn't be involved either.”

            The conversation turned a little more serious.

            “I don't want my child to end up like me, doing something they know is wrong just to please their father or because they think it's what's going to help their family. I never want to force my child to make that decision, like my father did to me,” he said angrily. It was the first time he had showed her anger toward his father, Lucius Malfoy. Aris knew most of Draco's choices in life were based on his father's beliefs and trying to please him and she was glad Draco was finally realizing this and letting his feelings out.

            “Don't worry, I know you will never be like that,” Aris put her hand to his face lovingly, “and I believe we can make our way through this in the end and you are going to be the best of fathers.”

            Draco wasn't so sure. Yes he was happy about Aris being pregnant, but then it also gave him one more person to worry about.

            Draco and Aris entered the Malfoy's ballroom hand in hand. She gripped his tightly and he gave her hand a little squeeze, he knew it was hard for her facing her parents. There were people everywhere, people that Aris did not know. Some of them spoke to Draco. Immediately her eyes fell on her parents, who were standing near Narcissa. They watched Aris coldly.

            “Are you ready,” he whispered.


            They made their way across the room and halfway there they were stopped by a beautiful blond about both their age, she was really tall and had brown eyes that were looking at Aris coldly, she had the look of one of those models she'd seen in some of Lanie's magazines. The girl immediately ignored Aris and grabbed Draco's arm from Aris and leaned into him, “Drakie,” she whined in a sickly sweet voice with a french accent, “please tell me it's not true, surely you aren't tying the knot. And who is this?” she asked looking down her nose at Aris. Aris could feel the anger rising, in fact her anger helped get her mind off her parents who were waiting.

            Draco shook his arm loose from the beautiful girl and took Aris's hand back in his, “Greta, this is my future wife and fiancée, Aris. She is the girl I love and yes I am tying the knot.”

            She huffed and then stormed off muttering something about Aris and about Draco not being the same, “An ex-girlfriend?” Aris asked, shooting fire with her green eyes.

            “A very ex-girlfriend, like two years ago, and it didn't last long. She couldn't stop looking in a mirror long enough to give me the time of day,” he explained, “I'm sorry about that,” and he reached down giving her a quick kiss. He started toward her parents and felt her squeezing his hand again. They both made it over to their parents.

            “Aris,” her mother said her name with false sweetness, “it's good to see you,” and her mother hugged her, kissing her cheek. Aris kept her arms by her side, she wasn't fooled by her mother’s acting and she couldn't remember a single time in the past that her mother ever hugged her let alone kissed her.

Can You Love Me? (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang